Catholic Weddings

Tuesday Questions - Papal edition :)

1.  What's your favorite thing about Benedict XVI? (A quote, a writing, a story, a trait...whatever)
2.  Same question, but for JPII?
3.  Obviously we trust in the HS, but this is more an opinion -- what characteristics/traits do you think the Church could really use in a leader right now?
4.  Is there any current cardinal you think would be a particularly good pope?


Re: Tuesday Questions - Papal edition :)

  • 1.  One of my favorite things that Benedict has done is attempting to undo the rift that resulted from Vatican II.  For instance, trying to reach out to SSPX was a really humble and yet loving move, IMO.  I also think allowing the Tridentine Mass (and encouraging it's availability), as well as commissioning the "new" translations (which really reflect more accurately the old translations!) really helped to bring back people who were fringe SSPX members.  Beyond healing the wounds of those who strongly disliked Vatican II, these changes also helped to "revert" some Catholics who were maybe not so strong in their faith before.  In these ways, Benedict has been a great shepherd. 
    2.  I really loved JPII, and his death was really sad for me (and I'm sure I'm just one of many who feels that way).  Theology of the Body is really something that stands out to me from his papacy. 
    3.  I think that someone who emphasizes the importance of catechesis would be a great thing in the Church right now.  Anyone who has taught RE in recent years knows that the text books are so watered down, and that the students aren't learning much of anything.  I would love our next pope to make improved catechesis his mission!
    4.  I'm not really in-the-know about many people.  Obviously I've heard of Dolan, but even with him, I don't know a ton about him.  I think it would be neat to have a non-European pope, though!


  • 1. What's your favorite thing about Benedict XVI? (A quote, a writing, a story, a trait...whatever)  I love the traditionalism and how he really revived it.  latin masses are packed around the country and people are demanding more.  I hope his successor keeps encouraging that movement.
    2. Same question, but for JPII?  i dont know much about him, to be honest.  he was pope for most of my life, but for most of my life i was part of SSPX and well, you know, that group doesnt like the pope so none of us were supposed to either and he was not highly regarded.
    3. Obviously we trust in the HS, but this is more an opinion -- what characteristics/traits do you think the Church could really use in a leader right now?  I agree with the PP who said likeability, but they must be a strong leader and no afraid to stand up for what is right even if what is right is not popular.
    4. Is there any current cardinal you think would be a particularly good pope?  i think it should go to someone in a region that is strongly catholic.  im intrigued by the discussion about the next one coming from africa or latin america.  i hope its someone from africa. 
  • 1.  What's your favorite thing about Benedict XVI? (A quote, a writing, a story, a trait...whatever)
    Like mentioned, I love that he brought back traditionalism.  Plus the year of faith.  Awesome idea.
    2.  Same question, but for JPII?
    I think he was just a great ambassador to the church.  People definitely respected him.
    3.  Obviously we trust in the HS, but this is more an opinion -- what characteristics/traits do you think the Church could really use in a leader right now?
    Honestly, a good ambassador.  I know we shouldn't care what other people think, but people hate us so much, but it's mostly because of misinformation.  The media absolutely hates us.  I would love to have a Pope who can tackle those issues head on and show the world that we aren't these terrible, judgemental, homophobic people that we're painted as. (Granted that should be OUR job as Catholics too, but still)
    4.  Is there any current cardinal you think would be a particularly good pope?
    Honestly, none that stick out to me.  I trust that they will make the right decision.
  • Chelsea, the interesting thing is, JPII was GREAT with people, and yet people still hated the Church during his papacy.  Sinhead O'Connor famously ripped up a photo of him on SNL.  If my memory serves me right, people did more hateful things toward JPII than BXVI (although maybe I'm just not as shocked anymore, so it just seemed worse for JPII?).  While I agree that having a good ambassador is a plus, I don't think we'll ever be liked.  Blessed are the persecuted, right?


  • 1.  What's your favorite thing about Benedict XVI? (A quote, a writing, a story, a trait...whatever) His commitment to preserving and supporting traditional liturgy

    2.  Same question, but for JPII? I'm still learning more about him but I agree with pp re: TOB and his general demeanor.

    3.  Obviously we trust in the HS, but this is more an opinion -- what characteristics/traits do you think the Church could really use in a leader right now? Someone that will continue to hold firm to the Church's beliefs. He should be able to speak firmly but with understanding and charity. I also would like a Pope that will stand up against the evils within the hierarchy of the Church and be dilligent with handling the abuse scandals. I would also appreciate a Pope that would continue to support traditional liturgy.

    4.  Is there any current cardinal you think would be a particularly good pope?

    It's hard to say. I don't think Dolan has much of a chance and I'm not certain how happy I'd be with him in that spot. I've heard good things about Cardinal Marc Ouellet from Canada. I also like the idea of a non-European Pope.

  • I'm late but it's still Tuesday...


    2. TOB and "Oh, yeah, ending Communism"<---LOVE this

    I am skipping 3 & 4 because basically I don't know. Mostly I wanted to share the video above =P
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  • In Response to <a href=" Wedding BoardsForum:615Discussion:7bc7d456-df03-42db-8758-1baeaaefdb1dPost:855f637d-7c92-46d5-8040-c15429cf0598">Tuesday Questions - Papal edition :)</a>:
    [QUOTE]1.  What's your favorite thing about Benedict XVI? (A quote, a writing, a story, a trait...whatever)
    He addressed a community of elderly people in November of last year, and it was really beautiful. My grandmother had recently passed, and it made me think of her and how happy it would have made her to hear him say those things. You can find the text of it in the last few posts on Whispers in the Loggia.

    2.  Same question, but for JPII?
    Theology of the body.

    3.  Obviously we trust in the HS, but this is more an opinion -- what characteristics/traits do you think the Church could really use in a leader right now?
    Youth and charisma.

    4.  Is there any current cardinal you think would be a particularly good pope? I'm not familiar with many cardinals, but I think the ghanaian man they're talking about sounds lovely. Bonus points because he's an African and obviously well acquainted with the AIDS epidemic, but would still affirm the immorality of condoms, which would hopefully shut up some people.
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