Catholic Weddings

We're a go for next weekend!!!

Well, after a very very long road, we finally have everything set and we are getting married next weekend by a WONDERFUL priest!

Couple of questions for you all...

Music! I am browsing through the boards, but if anyone has a list of music that they've gone with or where a good website to look is, I really need to pick this quick.

Programs! I have sent a few private messages based on what I've already read going through the boards, but if anyone else has a program I could look at and use, let me know!

Readings! Did anyone choose anything beyond what they give you in the suggestions book? I am liking Ruth 1:16-17 for the first reading. Nothing has really screamed out at me for reading 2 and gospel.

Donation to Priest - this one is killing me. He hasn't said a word about it but I know it's something we need to do, I just don't know how much?!? He has been fabulous, and anyone who has read my posts on here before knows what I had been dealing with in a priest before.. I really only have about 300 budgeted for this, is it enough? too much? Opinions would be great. Also, how to give it to him? At the rehearsal or after the ceremony. He will be leaving VERY quickly after the ceremony to perform 5:30 mass at his usual church (our ceremony is from 4-5) so I didn't want it to get pushed to the side during that rush and he won't be joining us for dinner at the rehearsal or after the wedding due to prior commitments. We will take him out for dinner when we get back from our honeymoon.

Okay ladies, any advice is always appreciated, thanks in advance!

Re: We're a go for next weekend!!!

  • edited December 2011
    Wow how wonderful!!

    I have found this website to be very helpful HTH!

    As far as the donation goes, it's my understanding that it goes to his parish, not directly to the priest, so find out from the parish what the donation is.
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • fallbride'10fallbride'10 member
    edited December 2011


    Here's our ceremony music:
    Prelude Music: God in the Planning, When Love is Found, Not for tongues of Heaven's Angels
    Processional: Trumpet Voluntary- Clarke
    Communion: One Bread, One Body; We Have Been Told
    Visitation to Mary: Ave Maria- Schubert
    Recessional: The Rejoicing- Handel

    For readings we're just using ones that were included in the book Together for Life. They're the typical ones you hear at weddings.

    As for a donation, I think $300 sounds just fine. We were told by our parish that the customary donation to the priest is $200. I'd just give it to him after the rehearsal and thank him for everything.

    Have fun this weekend!!

    November 12, 2010 imageMy Bio Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    Hey Kayla! I sent you a PM back. Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner.

    Here are the readings we did:
    1st reading - Sirach 26:13-16
    2nd reading - 1 Corinthians 12:31-13:8
    Gospel: Matthew 5:1-12

    As far as the donation to the priest goes, we did not give our priest any additonal than what was required to get married there. Our wedding was $550 I believe to get married in the church. Then another $250 was required for the priest and/or deacon, which we had both at our wedding. Then we paid seperate fees for the cantor, organist and of course the alter servers. Like I said, we did not give any more than that.

    My husband's Grandma paid for all of the church/ceremony related fees. We were all kind of upset bc since we had formerly been members at the church we got married in, but had moved out of state and joined a new Catholic church, we were charged the non-member fees to get married there. We also had to pay a $100 cleaning deposit which we got back since we didn't leave the place trashed or anything. HTH!
  • edited December 2011

    For readings we used:
    1st:  Ruth 1:16-17
    2nd:  1 Corinthians 12:31 - 13:8a
    (I realize this one is used a lot and you said you're looking for something different for the second reading.  I just wanted to tell you I was at first too, but kept coming back to this one because I love it.  When I get frustrated with my DH, I honestly sometimes find myself reciting this!  Lol)
    Gospel:  John 15:9-12

    As far as the donation goes, I struggled with this also.  I think it's really at your discretion, but the norm does vary from one area to another.  I asked the same question on here awhile back and got differing answers, so I ended up asking close friends and family who were willing to share ideas also so I knew what was acceptable.  In my area the norm seemed to be anywhere from $50-250, and we decided to give $150.  I think it would probably be very generous to give $300, but I would ask around just to be sure.  Good luck!  
  • mica178mica178 member
    5000 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Love Its
    edited December 2011
    We had the following readings:
    1st: Ruth 1:16-17
    2nd: Colossians 3:12-17
    Gospel: Matthew 7:21, 24-29

    My church sets its recommended donation, including a separate donation to the priest for his time and a donation to the music director.  We're paying that, then we're giving separate gifts to my priest and organist.
  • courtski2004courtski2004 member
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited December 2011

    For programs, if you are interested in a DIY project, here is the link for where I found mine:

    The assembly, etc. might be a bit more than what you are able to fit into a week, but I know that there are lots of program templates out of luck!

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