FI and I want to have mass with our ceremony, and would obviously like to choose the readings. I copied the following paragraph from the church's website. Is this saying that we cannot choose the readings if we decide to have a mass? We're not marrying at our home parish (we're military and live out of state), and although this church is allowing us to marry there, they have/are not easy to work with at all, so I don't particularly want to ask them just yet.
Thank you!
SATURDAY EVENING WEDDINGS, THE SUNDAY OBLIGATION and READINGSIn our diocese, any Mass that begins after 4 PM on Saturday is considered a Sunday Mass. Therefore, wedding Masses on Saturday evening are also Sunday obligation Masses. This also means that Catholics that wish to attend this Mass (even though not invited to the wedding) cannot be turned away. Strictly speaking, for wedding Masses on Saturdays after 4 PM, the readings for that Sunday are to be used. If the ceremony is a wedding ceremony without Mass, then other readings may be chosen.