Catholic Weddings

Flowers for Mary

Hello everyone!

I've been a lurker on this board for a few months now. FI and I are getting married next April in my church, and it's not going to be a full mass (FI was never baptized anywhere). I've only been to Catholic weddings that have had the full mass, so I just had a quick question. I still would like to give flowers to Mary during my ceremony - is that something that can be done, or will it be something that I'll just need to do on my own after the ceremony?

Re: Flowers for Mary

  • edited December 2011
    You'll probably be able to do it during the ceremony -- many parishes allow it at the end of the mass, after communion, before the final blessings and recessional. I feel like I've heard ladies around here mention other points in the mass, too.

    The best way to find out for sure, though, is to ask your priest or the person who coordinates weddings at the church where you will be married. They have the final say, so they can give you the best answer!
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  • cebrady89cebrady89 member
    edited December 2011
    My cousin married a non practicing Catholic in a ceremony that was not a full mass and they still did the flowers for Mary. It was done after the readings and wedding vows, basically in place of communion, since they did not have communion in this ceremony.
  • Tami87Tami87 member
    Fourth Anniversary 100 Comments 25 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited December 2011
    I have also attended a Catholic wedding without a full mass where the bride still presented flowers to Mary (the groom was not Catholic). I believe she did this after their vows. Like others said I would just ask your priest.
  • edited December 2011
    We are doing Flowers for Mary after Communion during a meditation time for the congergation while our cantor is singing Ave Maria
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