Catholic Weddings

Happy Tuesday!

What's the scoop?  Anything exciting going on with any of you?  I'm pretty boring these days.  I'm busy with some after-hours work social events this week, and then this weekend H and I are visiting his old college town.  Should be fun!  I'm still fighting this darn cold, though, and I'm hoping I'll feel better by the weekend. 


Re: Happy Tuesday!

  • Hope you feel better soon Resa!  I don't have anything exciting going on this week other than a social event for work on Thursday.  I'm looking forward to leaving work early on Friday and driving down to visit my sister for the weekend.  My two younger sisters and I are all getting tattoos on Friday in honor of my youngest sister's eighteenth birthday a few weeks ago.
  • Erin, what are you getting a tattoo of?  Where?  I want one, but I can never seem to stick with one concept.  I figure that means I shouldn't get one.  H has a bunch, and wants more.  So far all of his are on his sides, but he's thinking about doing some arm ones.  I'm not a fan....I want his tattoos to be easily covered!!


  • We're all getting the same one - a small one on the inside of our wrist that's a tracing of our dad's signature of our last name, now my maiden name.  Since I didn't keep my maiden name at all, it'll be a way to always have a part of it with me.  My sisters loved the idea, so we decided to all do it (well, 3 of the 4 sisters, our oldest doesn't  want a tattoo).

    My H is a litle iffy on it, I think he feels like it might be too noticeable or something.  He didn't have a problem when I got my other tattoo (my mom's favorite flowers, african violets, on my foot/ankle).  I've assured him that it's OK with my office because another co-worker has a wrist tattoo that isn't a problem.  Heck, one of the attorneys here has her tongue pierced - it's a fun office :)  And if I ever change jobs, I can easily wear long sleeves, or a bracelet or watch to conceal it.

    I totally see what you mean about wanting your H's tattoos to be  more easily covered - especially if he plans to go into law, it's probably not a bad idea if he keeps it to things that can be covered by a short-sleeve/polo-type shirt, just in case he ends up at a conservative office.
  • I've never been a big tattoo person, but I like seeing tattoos on other people.  I remember a looooooong time ago, teenaged me declared that as soon as I could, I was getting my nose pierced, and DH (then BF) convinced me not to by telling me I was way too pretty to be putting holes in my face.  Sigh.

    Not much going on today.  I planned out most of the rest of my semester last week, and I'm REALLY hoping I can cram everything in before the kids take their End of Instruction exam.  They still haven't given us an exact date, so I am really sweating.

    I'm just really antsy for Thursday.  We had yesterday off, so I keep forgetting it's Tuesday, and then when I remember I get REALLY happy.  =)



  • In Response to <a href=" Wedding BoardsForum:615Discussion:a33a3c03-ddf6-499f-a112-793aebe29de3Post:ad14f4a8-07c4-48cc-9b42-16b6daac6735">Re: Happy Tuesday!</a>:
    [QUOTE]I've never been a big tattoo person, but I like seeing tattoos on other people.  I remember a looooooong time ago, teenaged me declared that as soon as I could, I was getting my nose pierced, and DH (then BF) convinced me not to by telling me I was way too pretty to be putting holes in my face.  Sigh. Not much going on today.  I planned out most of the rest of my semester last week, and I'm REALLY hoping I can cram everything in before the kids take their End of Instruction exam.  They still haven't given us an exact date, so I am really sweating. I'm just really antsy for Thursday.  We had yesterday off, so I keep forgetting it's Tuesday, and then when I remember I get REALLY happy.  =)
    Posted by professorscience[/QUOTE]

    Hopefully they give you an exam date soon - it seems kinda unfair that they can leave you hanging like that.

    I'm so excited for you and the upcoming ultrasound!  Do you have any guesses so far as to whether the baby is a boy or girl?
  • Let's take bets on Baby Professor.  I bet girl!


  • I'm leaning toward boy, but I don't really have any scientific basis for that.  If you use the "method" in TCOYF, then our timing means boy, but I think that stuff is a bunch of bologna.  =)



  • I might have to check out TCOYF and see what this "method" is.  I never bothered to read TCOYF since I knew I didn't want to learn an NFP method involving temps, but it would still be interesting to check out.  However, I doubt I'll get to it anytime soon - still working on book 5 of Game of Thrones, and have lots of other books on my to-read list!
  • short work week here since we had yesterday off.

    only one night meeting this week so that's good (the last month ive had 3)

    im ready for summer.
  • Erin, I am a little over halfway through Dance with Dragons and it is just KILLING ME.  Part of me is so sick of falling in love with a character only to have him/her taken away from me, another part of me is afraid that I will finish the book and then the author will die and I'll never know what happens next.  =(



  • Prof, does the TCOYF have to do with timing?  Like, if you ML a few days prior to ovulation, you're more likely to have a girl, but if it's closer to ovulation, it's a boy?  I've heard of that before, and I wonder if that means people with limited CM are more likely to have all boys?  (I hope that's not true, because while I def want a son or two, I also want a daughter!)


  • Resa - that is what is says. I don't put much stock in it though. DS1 was conceived from sex six days before ovulation, and this DS 2 days before. So at least it doesn't hold true for me!
    Lilypie Maternity tickers
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • In Response to <a href=" Wedding BoardsForum:615Discussion:a33a3c03-ddf6-499f-a112-793aebe29de3Post:52562198-09f1-4a87-810e-3aafac65c0b6">Re: Happy Tuesday!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Erin, I am a little over halfway through Dance with Dragons and it is just KILLING ME.  Part of me is so sick of falling in love with a character only to have him/her taken away from me, another part of me is afraid that I will finish the book and then the author will die and I'll never know what happens next.  =(
    Posted by professorscience[/QUOTE]

    I completely agree!  I'm right around halfway through Dance with Dragons as well.  I'm afraid that I'll finish it, and then it'll be too long before the sixth book is released and then I won't remember it all well enough, and then I'll have to start over from the beginning!  That wouldn't be the end of the world I guess, since I'm loving this series and how it's written.
  • edited February 2013
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Happy Tuesday!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Prof, does the TCOYF have to do with timing?  Like, if you ML a few days prior to ovulation, you're more likely to have a girl, but if it's closer to ovulation, it's a boy?  I've heard of that before, and I wonder if that means people with limited CM are more likely to have all boys?  (I hope that's not true, because while I def want a son or two, I also want a daughter!)
    Posted by Resa77[/QUOTE]

    <div>Yeah, it's based on the theory that the sperm containing X chromosomes (girls) are "heartier" than the ones containing Ys (boys), and can last longer in the vaginal canal or some such nonsense, so for a girl you ML farther away from ovulation, and for boys you ML the day before, day of, and day after (just in case, I guess) your Peak day.  It's got a BIG disclaimer in TCOYF that basically says, "THIS IS NOT SCIENCE."  I actually kind of hated that it was even in there, since people have such a hard time accepting the science of NFP anyway.</div><div>
    </div><div>We basically decided that if we have three kids and they're all one gender, we'll adopt one of the opposite gender.  We want at least 3-4 kids, and then once we hit that many we'll decide if we can have more.</div>



  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Happy Tuesday!</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Happy Tuesday! : I completely agree!  I'm right around halfway through Dance with Dragons as well.  I'm afraid that I'll finish it, and then it'll be too long before the sixth book is released and then I won't remember it all well enough, and then I'll have to start over from the beginning!  That wouldn't be the end of the world I guess, since I'm loving this series and how it's written.
    Posted by erin5286[/QUOTE]

    <div>I really struggled to get through the very first book because of how violent it could be toward so many of the young characters, but I've started picturing them as their (slightly older) HBO counterparts and it's a bit easier.  Have you watched the show?  I think they've done a really good job of staying with the storyline, although the second season definitely took a few liberties...</div>



  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Happy Tuesday!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Prof, does the TCOYF have to do with timing?  Like, if you ML a few days prior to ovulation, you're more likely to have a girl, but if it's closer to ovulation, it's a boy?  I've heard of that before, and I wonder if that means people with limited CM are more likely to have all boys?  (I hope that's not true, because while I def want a son or two, I also want a daughter!)
    Posted by Resa77[/QUOTE]

    Yes and it is based on the fact that boy sperm are lighter and faster because they have a Y chromosome but considered more fragile and girl sperm are heavier and slower because of the X chromosome but can survive better in not perfectly ideal mucus. So timing ML can is supposed to increase your chance of having one sex or the other, but obviously you can still get either it just slightly changes the odds.

    Also I just started A Storm of Swords so no spoilers! DH got the first four book set for Christmas. I was supposed to get to read them after he was done, but I got sick of waiting, lol. He started A Game of Thrones and still hasn't finished. I tend to be more the reader though and take a bus to and from work so I tend to always have book on me for the commute.
    As for what's new with me, I am trying to start being healthier and DH also decided to do no meat for all of lent so I have been trying to find some vegetarian recipes. We did a big shopping trip yesterday and am excited to make black bean quesadillas tonight. Also started doing the Jillian Michaels' 30 day shread DVD yesterday and am feeling it today. Hoping to lose a few pounds before we see the in-laws for Easter. For Lent I decided to give up sleeping in. I now get up when the alarm goes off for DH to get ready for work and am spending the extra time in the morning reading daily reflections for each day of lent. It has been good, but I'm also grumpy because of eating less and being tired. Hopefully my body will adjust soon. I know it is good for me.
  • In Response to <a href=" Wedding BoardsForum:615Discussion:a33a3c03-ddf6-499f-a112-793aebe29de3Post:2eb5fbc7-1f85-47fb-9d1b-fdc0835ab824">Re: Happy Tuesday!</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Happy Tuesday! : I really struggled to get through the very first book because of how violent it could be toward so many of the young characters, but I've started picturing them as their (slightly older) HBO counterparts and it's a bit easier.  Have you watched the show?  I think they've done a really good job of staying with the storyline, although the second season definitely took a few liberties...
    Posted by professorscience[/QUOTE]

    I've only seen the first season of the show, we watched it via Netflix since right now we don't pay for the HBO/Showtime channels.  I'll have to check on Season 2, I'm sure it's not out yet but I better make sure to get in on our Netflix list anyway.

    I think it helped me a lot that we watched Season One of the show first, and then read the books - that way I pictured all of the characters in the book as their slightly older selves from the show, so it seemed a little less violent as I was reading it.  I definitely though season one of the show stayed very true to the book, it'll be interesting to see how season 2 is.

    I'm already trying to think of good Game of Thrones-themed Halloween costumes for this year.  I'll have to see if I can get H to play along for that one :)
  • Kristan, I enjoyed your Ash Wednesay blog post :) 


  • Tami, is Storm of Swords the second or third book?  I can't remember what order they're in, but I got really emotionally involved in those two.

    We've thought about inviting our friends to contribute to a "Let's pay for HBO for as long as Season 3 is on the air" fund and having watch parties.  We own Season 1 and I've been watching the shelves for Season 2 (although not very carefully).



  • Storm of Swords is the third book. I haven't watched the HBO show yet. I was waiting until I finished the books because I was afraid of spoilers. Does season one pretty much follow the first book?

  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Happy Tuesday!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Storm of Swords is the third book. I haven't watched the HBO show yet. I was waiting until I finished the books because I was afraid of spoilers. Does season one pretty much follow the first book?  
    Posted by Tami87[/QUOTE]

    <div>Yeah, really closely, actually.  There's one thing (and I can't remember it now) that I think actually came from Book 2, and I remember reading it and going, "Ohhhh!" but otherwise it stays really close.  Season 2 took quite a few liberties...</div>



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