Hi everyone!
I'm excited I found this board. I am a cradle Catholic, but never completed the sacraments. I am currently going through the OCI (RCIA) program, and as part of that, getting my previous (non-catholic) marriage annulled without any difficulty at all. It's a one page form and a $25 fee.
My boyfriend and I are talking marriage, and will get engaged sometime this Spring. He has already started on his annulment paperwork for his previous marriage. He is not Catholic, and will not be converting, but is willing to have a Catholic ceremony, attend Mass, and raise our children Catholic. His annulment is much more in depth though; 20 page document, plus a $500 fee and witnesses, etc.
Any words of encouragement/advice, etc you could offer on his annulment process would be greatly appreciated. I'm very nervous they won't approve it, which will be really heart breaking to me. IMO, he has several of the valid reasons the church offers as a reason for an annulment, but I'm still nervous.
Thank you, and I look forward to participating around here.