Catholic Weddings

Who can be lectors?

Ok, so I've been trying to look this up online with no luck.  Who can do the readings at mass?  Can parents or members of the wedding party or is that wrong for some reason?

Re: Who can be lectors?

  • catarntinacatarntina member
    1000 Comments Fourth Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    I think they can do the Old Testament and New Testament reading.  They may also be able to do Prayers of the Faithful and responsorial psalm.

    Here's some more info on this site:

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • edited December 2011
    Whoever you want can be lectors for first/second reading and prayers of the faithful.  I have asked FI's sister, my best friend, and our godmothers. 

    But double check with your church
  • edited December 2011
    Yes, anyone can be a lector. They need not be Catholic. However, they should believe in God considering they will be reading from the Bible.

    Both of our lectors were family friends. Yes, your parents could do a reading, but I think that just having them being parents of the bride and groom is a big enough role. Let them sit back and watch their kids get married. If they want to, that is fine, but I wouldn't push it.
  • cscott1cscott1 member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Thanks for the responses!  I mean to clarify is it common or some kind of wedding faux pas to have the bridesmaids or parents give readings?
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