Catholic Weddings

NFP Users - come in!

I thought it would be good to catch up on who is using each method, and how things have been going. It would also be good for newbies/lurkers. So everyone - please join in!

Which NFP method do you use?

How did you learn it?

What was the cost and time involved in learning the method (class time)?

How many months/cycles did it take before you felt very confident in yourself using the method

What has your husband/FI's involvement and level of support been like?

What do/did you struggle with most in using NFP?

What benefits have you seen from using NFP?

Any links you could share for info on your method or NFP in general?

ETA: How long have you been using NFP?

Re: NFP Users - come in!

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    Which NFP method do you use?  Sympto-Thermal

    How did you learn it? By reading "Taking Charge of your Fertility"

    What was the cost and time involved in learning the method (class time)?  About $30 for the book on Amazon, $10 for a basal body temp thermometer through Couple to Couple LEague.  The book was a very fast and ineresting read.

    How many months/cycles did it take before you felt very confident in yourself using the method
    ?  We abstained for 2 or 3 months while learning to be safe (avoiding was absolutely necessary so we didnt want to take chances).

    What has your husband/FI's involvement and level of support been like?  Very little involvement but was supportive in that he didnt want me on hormonal BC anymore.

    What do/did you struggle with most in using NFP? The periods where you must abstain can be challenging, particuarly when they fall during a vacation week or a romantic weekend away. But i usually will try to plan for vacations/romantic weekends around my cycle.

    What benefits have you seen from using NFP?  Nothing i saw directly, but i feel better knowing im in line with my faith and that im not polluting my body with hormones anymore.  I did seem to have the opposite effect from most when going off the pill - i gained weight and my periods got significantly shorter (4 days down to 1-2). everyone (including my doc) told me when i went off id lose weight and get longer periods. i wonder if this is all indicative of a problem that 10 years of pill use has given me as my periods were always regular and normal pre-Pill. 

    Any links you could share for info on your method or NFP in general?
  • Options
    Which NFP method do you use?

    How did you learn it?
    We learned through several one-on-one sessions with an instructor.  The introductory class plus 5 follow ups were required for us to get our certificate of completion (we were required to do an NFP course for our church's marriage prep)

    What was the cost and time involved in learning the method (class time)?
    $30 for the materials, and $30 for each session, so $180 overall.  Our instructor will now do several follow ups with us at no cost, to help us continue using the method and make sure we feel confident in it and don't just give up.

    How many months/cycles did it take before you felt very confident in yourself using the method?
    We started learning about 7-8 months ago.  I feel really confident in my observations, that only took a few months before I felt confident in what I was observing and how to keep track of it.  I'm still a little iffy with interpreting my observations, figuring out the peak day, etc. because I have weird cycles so it's taking longer to figure out what my "normal" cycle should be.
    What has your husband/FI's involvement and level of support been like?
    He's been very supportive of our decision to learn and use NFP.  He's not very involved in my actual charting day-to-day, and that's something that we should work on.

    What do/did you struggle with most in using NFP?
    We've only been married a few months, and I've had even weirder cycles since we got married than I'd had before. That's left us with less available days, which is a bit frustrating for a newlywed couple. I'm hopeful that it will all sort itself out over the next few months.

    What benefits have you seen from using NFP?
    Even just the decision to start using it has sparked a lot of good conversations aboout our plans for children. It's also definitely brought us closer, as our instructor said, if you can be comfortable talking about a thing like CM, you'll be able to talk about anything :)

    Any links you could share for info on your method or NFP in general?
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    Riss91Riss91 member
    First Anniversary 5 Love Its Name Dropper First Comment
    edited January 2013
    Which NFP method do you use? Sympto-thermal

    How did you learn it? I self taught using the book "Taking Charge of Your Fertility"

    What was the cost and time involved in learning the method (class time)? The book was under $20 and the thermometer is under $10. It took me a couple of days to read the book. I also subscribe to Fertility Friend and pay $40 for an "advanced" membership, though you can use it for free. They also have a free app.

    How many months/cycles did it take before you felt very confident in yourself using the method
    ? About three or four.

    What has your husband/FI's involvement and level of support been like? He read the book as well. He sometimes enters my data in for me and makes sure I take my temp (sometimes I sleep through the alarm). He is very supportive and very appreciative that I was/am open to NFP.

    What do/did you struggle with most in using NFP? I struggle a bit with second-guessing myself. I feel like I'm overly cautious sometimes.

    What benefits have you seen from using NFP? Well, for starters I understand way more about how my body functions, what signs are good and what signs indicate something isn't perfect. I feel much more confident in my health and confident that we should be able to get pregnant when we're ready. We've been using the method for over 3.5 years successfully! I also think we have a pretty healthy and happy sex life.

    Any links you could share for info on your method or NFP in general?
  • Options
    Which NFP method do you use?

    How did you learn it?
    We did the couple-to-couple league home study course (they sent us the book and we read it on our own time and e-mailed in my charts). Also read taking charge of your fertility.

    What was the cost and time involved in learning the method (class time)?
    $171 for CCL course, cost of TCOYF book. I also have a free charting app ovuview for my phone.

    How many months/cycles did it take before you felt very confident in yourself using the method
    I started charting over a year before we were married. It took me about 6 months to be really confident.

    What has your husband/FI's involvement and level of support been like?
    He read the books with me and is supportitive. He used to enter my data on the chart but since I switched to the phone app, it is easier for me to just enter my observations throughout the day.

    What do/did you struggle with most in using NFP?
    Abstaining during the fertile phase. I agree with RIss I also second guess myself some and tend to be overly cautious.

    What benefits have you seen from using NFP?
    We are able to communicate well and talk about future children and are on the same page. Also you do get the honeymoon period each month after abstaining.

    Any links you could share for info on your method or NFP in general?

    ETA: How long have you been using NFP?
    6 months (TTA)
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    In Response to <a href="">NFP Users - come in!</a>:

     Which NFP method do you use ? CCL sympto thermal

    How did you learn it ? With instructors while we were engaged

     What was the cost and time involved in learning the method (class time) ? We  paid $90 for the materials including CyclePro software. I think the church where we got married may have subsidized this a bit.

    How many months/cycles did it take before you felt very confident in yourself using the method ? I had textbook cycles so I felt like pretty much right away, but took a couple of months (2-3) before I was totally convinced it worked for TTA

    What has your husband/FI's involvement and level of support been like ? He learned the method too but I think has mostly forgotten how it works at this point...we have spent most of the last 3 years either pregnant or TTC so took a long break from using it much. On the other hand we have always been in agreement that contraception is not an option for us so he is very supportive in that sense...never makes me out to be the bad guy, is a great sport when we have to abstain, etc.

    What do/did you struggle with most in using NFP ? Honeslty, I can't say I've had the struggles that others might have had. We've never had crazy long stretches of abstinence, weird cycles to deal with, etc.

    What benefits have you seen from using NFP ? I'm feeling great about it right now because being ~3 months postpartum, NFP is really helping me to make sense of signs that would otherwise look just crazy.

    ETA: How long have you been using NFP ? We'll be married 4 years in May. Total we have used it to TTA about 14 cycles (plus 3 months PP without cycles) and used it to TTC about 10 cycles (2 pregnancies.) 

    Posted by Riss91[/QUOTE]
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
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    Which NFP method do you use? Billings

    How did you learn it? Took a course offered through a local parish.

    What was the cost and time involved in learning the method (class time)? $90 for 4 1-hour sessions.

    How many months/cycles did it take before you felt very confident in yourself using the method
    ?  Probably 3-4.  I didn't really "get it" until I took my first chart to my class and the instructor basically went, "Well this is all wrong" and we spent time correcting it.

    What has your husband/FI's involvement and level of support been like?  He attended every class and asked more questions than I did.  I have a charting app on my phone, so he doesn't really do anything with that.  When we were TTA he would ask if we were on a "green" day.

    What do/did you struggle with most in using NFP?  We struggled a little with abstaining on fertile days when we were TTA.  Living separately made it easier, but if you see your husband for just the weekend and that happens to be a fertile weekend, it can be annoying.

    What benefits have you seen from using NFP?  I was able to realize that I wasn't ovulating and get to a doctor who got me started on metformin and some other meds to get my cycle all regular without BCP, so that when we were ready to TTC, it wasn't difficult at all.

    Any links you could share for info on your method or NFP in general? is a great site for Billings users, it makes the stickers pretty idiot-proof.

    ETA: How long have you been using NFP?  We'd been using it about a year and a half when we started TTC, although part of that time was before we were married, so we weren't having sex then.



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    Which NFP method do you use? Creighton

    How did you learn it? We had one introductory group session followed by several one-on-one sessions with our instructor.

    What was the cost and time involved in learning the method (class time)? Each session was about 1 hour. Our Diocese was trying to really get Creighton off the ground, so we only paid like $50 for all the classes, which was a steal. It is totally worth the real (not subsidized) cost, IMHO.

    How many months/cycles did it take before you felt very confident in yourself using the method
    ? I started to feel confident in my charting around the 3 month mark. H started feeling confident about that time, when we started using yellow stickers, so he saw something other than an endless string of fertile days.

    What has your husband/FI's involvement and level of support been like? My H is 100% on board. I actually "converted" to NFP, so to speak, when we were dating and learned that for him it was, essentially, a non-negotiable. I really saw a future with him (it seems to have worked out, too Wink), so I opened my heart and started learning more and more about it. The Holy Spirit truly softened my heart, and now, I'm adamantly pro-NFP.

    All of that aside, now he's the sticker dude. He puts the stickers on my chart before bed, based on my recorded observations. It works out well, because it gives us a regular opportunity to discuss where we are. It really avoids the "gatekeeper" issue.

    What do/did you struggle with most in using NFP? We were fertile on our wedding night, which wasn't fun at the time, but is no longer a big deal. Postpartum charting isn't really fun or easy, at least for me. There are definitely moments when I think about how much easier it would be not to use NFP, but those are fleeting, because I truly believe in the value of NFP from a moral and a medical standpoint.

    What benefits have you seen from using NFP? My heart really has opened to life in ways that I couldn't have imagined before, since I already thought we were open to life. I'm not saying that we aren't trying to space children (we are), but maybe not the way I expected I would even a year or two ago.

    Additionally,  I was also able to readily diagnose and treat fertility issues that were messing with my cycle using Creighton and NaPro. I will never know if I would have had troube conceiving without treatment, but I am thankful for it nonetheless. I am a huge believer in treating the root cause of fertility issues, rather than masking them with the pill or otherwise treating the symptoms.

    Any links you could share for info on your method or NFP in general?

    ETA: How long have you been using NFP? We learned 6 months before our wedding. We then used to avoid for 4 cycles. We used to achieve for one cycle before getting pregnant. After giving birth, I had a quick return of fertility. I've now had 3 PP periods, so I'm on my third "real" cycle, though things are still regulating themselves, especially since I am still BFing, so I wouldn't say that I have reached my new normal yet.
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    Random lurker
    Which NFP method do you use? Sympto-thermal

    How did you learn it? - "taking charge of your ferility" and post partum class through Couple to couple league

    What was the cost and time involved in learning the method (class time)? - Book was $30, $10 themometer, and $15 class

    How many months/cycles did it take before you felt very confident in yourself using the method
    ? - I started tracking in Jan, got married in June so 6 months. I probably would have been ok after 3 months though. Now we are not too confident in the pp version so we mostly abstain.

    What has your husband/FI's involvement and level of support been like? He's been awesome. Never too BC before and he knew I never wanted to. He was fine with that.

    What do/did you struggle with most in using NFP? - I struggle with the pp version, mostly because I don't get enough sleep to get an accurate temp.

    What benefits have you seen from using NFP? - I don't jhave to take BC and we got pregnant on our first attempt.

    Any links you could share for info on your method or NFP in general? - We tracked with fertility friend.

    How long have you been using NFP? - We were married 6 month before we got pregnant with my daughter and then we are 4 month pp.
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    Answered these last night but my post disappeared, so here it is again.

    Which NFP method do you use
    ? Creighton

    How did you learn it? Learned that Creighton existed from this board.  Learned the method from my Creighton instructor

    What was the cost and time involved in learning the method (class time)
    We lucked out because our instructor is going through certification, and therefore didn't charge us, except $10 for supplies.  Time-wise I guess it's a bit demanding (I think it was every two weeks for 4 sessions, then once a month for 2-3 sessions, then every two months for a couple sessions), but since it was all one-on-one, it was very worthwhile.  I never felt like it was too much.

    How many months/cycles did it take before you felt very confident in yourself using the method
    It took probably 5-6 cycles before I felt confident in my observations and my ability to interpret/apply method rules/etc. 

    What has your husband/FI's involvement and level of support been like?
    He does the actual charting, which is nice.  He definitely didn't take as much ownership/responsibility in learning the method as I did in the beginning, but once I told him it hurt my feelings, he started trying harder.  I think the H really needs to take a certain amount responsiblity in learning the method and the rules, since he is expected to trust this method.  Also, if he understand the rules, he'll know you're not being a "gatekeeper" when you're on a fertile day!

    What do/did you struggle with most in using NFP?
    For me, I really struggled with learning NFP.  I started by reading TCOYF, but my chart had so many "exceptions" that I couldn't make sense of it.  Then I took the CCL class, but I still couldn't make sense of it.  Then I learned Creighton, and it was a great fit for me.  I think the hardest thing during this time was that all my friends talked about how easy NFP was.  I felt like a failure because I just couldn't get it. 

    What benefits have you seen from using NFP?
    Creighton helped diagnose PCOS and pre diabetes, so that's good.  It doesn't have any side effects or risks, it's effective, it works for avoiding or's all-around a great thing!  I think that if more women truly understood and experienced NFP vs the pill, 99% of women would be using NFP, not the pill. 

    Any links you could share for info on your method or NFP in general?

    ETA: How long have you been using NFP?
    I started Creighton 7-8 months ago, I think.  The first 3 months were when we were engaged, so we've been using it in a "family planning" sense for 5 months (TTA).


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    Which NFP method do you use?  STM

    How did you learn it? CCL class + TCOYF

    What was the cost and time involved in learning the method (class time)? CCL class was $120.  It was 3 sessions, 1 session per month.  So 3 months.

    How many months/cycles did it take before you felt very confident in yourself using the method
    ? 3-4

    What has your husband/FI's involvement and level of support been like? After going through the class, he was a lot more receptive.

    What do/did you struggle with most in using NFP? Charting while breastfeeding has been almost impossible up until I was 10.5 months PP.

    What benefits have you seen from using NFP? Was able to conceive first time.  I was able to tell I was pregnant without needing a pregnacy test (I took one anyway, but I already knew the answer).  I was able to tell my due date correctly based on ovulation and not LMP.  I was able to not get freaked the heck out after the doctor told me I probably miscarried since I knew he just had his dates wrong.  Increased sex drive, increased feeling of closeness with spouse, I now know what the heck is going on with my body and when something is amiss... I could probably go on.

    Any links you could share for info on your method or NFP in general?,

    ETA: How long have you been using NFP? June 2010.  But I was TTC for 1 cycle, pregnant for 9 months, and I did not start ovulating until he was over 11 months old.  So for 20 months, I wasn't really using it.  I was only vaguely paying attention to CM until I got my first post partum period.

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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    Which NFP method do you use?
    How did you learn it?
    What was the cost and time involved in learning the method (class time)?
    $200 included initial class, a folder with supplies and a booklet, and so far I have gone to two follow up appointments to look over my chart and I believe I have access to my instructor indefinitely, I spent an extra $20 for a 1 year membership to an online charting site called and it's been well worth it
    How many months/cycles did it take before you felt very confident in yourself using the method
    I am on my 3rd cycle and still not completely confident yet, hoping it'll set in really soon
    What has your husband/FI's involvement and level of support been like?
    Right now I just tell him about it and practice telling him what kind of 'day' I'm having (possibly fertile, not fertile, etc) he came to the initial class and one of my follow up appointments, he understands the method for the most part and is very supportive of my trying to get the hang of it and wanting to be invested in the method as much he can be
    What do/did you struggle with most in using NFP?
    When I am charting my sensations it feels like I am fertile all the time, so determining my peak day and I don't always understand which symbols I should be using
    What benefits have you seen from using NFP?
    It has been a great tool to strengthen our communication and to prepare ourselves for what our married life will be like and what we can expect when it comes to TTA 
    Any links you could share for info on your method or NFP in general?
    No links, but I did buy the most recent edition of the billings method and it was kind of tricky to get, ( but once I read it, it helped sum up a few concepts in regards to the method, I would say it is a must and that was about $40 with shipping
    ETA: How long have you been using NFP?
    I have been charting since this past October
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    You might check out  It has slightly more rigid settings than just choosing your own terms for what sensation you're feeling.  It helped me a lot because after I started taking all the meds I got for my fertility issues I had the same problem -- always feeling fertile, never feeling dry.  It made it easier to distinguish between "damp but infertile" and "damp and fertile."

    The only issues I have with it (and I lodged a complaint) are that you can't go back and change anything (so if you miss a day it just skips) and there were a couple issues where it WOULD NOT allow me to choose certain things at the same time... Like how most methods recommend intercourse every other day especially if you're TTA, and so if H and I had sex on consecutive days it would kind of blow the program's mind...

    It's not recommended by BOMA but my doctor recommended it and apparently is a huge proponent for getting it recommended by BOMA.  I think if they would adopt it it would probably help work out the "kinks."

    Also it's free.  =)



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    I was just trying that site so I could clean up my chart before I met with my instructor this week, very cool resource-thank you for sharing. Any other advice or words of wisdom?
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    Which NFP method do you use?
    CCL Sympto-Thermal

    How did you learn it?
    First read TCOYF, then started charting when I took the CCL class

    What was the cost and time involved in learning the method (class time)?
    3 classes, 3 (?) hours each, I think about $160 for the book and class and thermometer.

    How many months/cycles did it take before you felt very confident in yourself using the method
    haha... um, I still often don't feel confident... Ongoing struggle of mine... We've made it "work" for us b/c I basically have scant but constant mucus, so we rely a LOT on temperature and cervix position (which is usually very obvious for me). Right now we are TTA, but if we were to get pregnant it would not be a big deal, otherwise, I think I would consider learning a method like Creighton to force me to learn to differentiate mucus, and also possibly help diagnose health problems related to the mucus. So, to sum, we are VERY conservative, but I think overall it took about 7 months before I was "pretty" confident and can always identify peak, although some months I worry more than others (although looking back, I've never actually been "wrong" about peak, based on luteal phase length!)

    What has your husband/FI's involvement and level of support been like?
    Completely supportive. Not super-involved, but he does remind me to take my temp in the morning (I take it when he gets up, not when I get up a couple hours later.) And every month we BOTH look at the chart to determine and agree on when to ML, so that if there were are "surprise", we both would take 100% responsibility.

    What do/did you struggle with most in using NFP?
    Like I said above, discerning the different types of mucus.

    What benefits have you seen from using NFP?
    um... not having to use BC or condoms?!?! (or pay for either of them!) And working with a doctore I started taking progesterone- yay happy drug! :-D

    Any links you could share for info on your method or NFP in general?
    I can't believe no one has mentioned this yet!
    GREAT community for any questions/struggles you are having with NFP and Catholic life in general! (I know at least a couple CW girls are on it!)

    ETA: How long have you been using NFP?
    Married - 14 months, and about half a year before that just "practicing." ;-)
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    MedStudent13MedStudent13 member
    First Anniversary First Comment
    edited January 2013
    Which NFP method do you use?

    How did you learn it?

    What was the cost and time involved in learning the method (class time)?
    $14 dollars for the book used on Amazon, $10 for the thermometer recommended in the book (before that I had the Target brand one but I didn't think it was very accurate, so I switched)

    How many months/cycles did it take before you felt very confident in yourself using the method
    Sheesh, I've been charting CM and basic symptoms for years. Ever since I learned what NFP was, which wasn't until freshman year of college I'll have you know. Until I started lurking on Catholic forums, I had no clue why Catholics were against birth control. Once I did, I started tracking!

    What has your husband/FI's involvement and level of support been like?
    He's kind of on the fence about it. I've explained to him how it works, and he gets it, but he still doesn't really understand *why* birth control is wrong. He agrees with me on the secular aspects against hormonal birth control at least (it's degrading, dangerous, and just all out unhealthy), but he isn't quite so informed about the theological objections. 

    What do/did you struggle with most in using NFP?
    CM observations. I really don't have a good gradient of fertile mucus. It's either there or it isn't, so I'm relying more on temp and cervical position at the moment. I'll probably be very conservative initially, just using the first five day rule and then abstaining until confirmed ovulation. 

    What benefits have you seen from using NFP?
    SInce I'm not married yet I can't speak about it's benefits/draw-backs about using it for TTA/TTC, however I always know EXACTLY when I'm due to start my period! I just pop in a SoftCup take a few advil and I'm good to go. The TCOYF computer program is scary accurate with calculations from the symptoms you input.

    Any links you could share for info on your method or NFP in general?
    TCOYF forums. There are a lot of women on there who you can turn to for help deciphering charts. 

    ETA: How long have you been using NFP?
    Charting for several years now, more seriously since June 2012 (all three symptoms plus secondary signs)
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: NFP Users - come in!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Prof- I was just trying that site so I could clean up my chart before I met with my instructor this week, very cool resource- thank you for sharing. <strong>Any other advice or words of wisdom?</strong>
    Posted by Ambybambi1125[/QUOTE]

    </div><div>Just let go of any "ew this is icky" feelings, I guess!  My instructor made me be VERY descriptive during my classes and I remember being glad H and I were the only couple in the room.  Yes, it's natural and beautiful.  No, I don't really want to describe its consistency.</div>



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    Med, I'm always jealous of women who know just when they'll start their periods!  Even with charting, it still isn't consistent enough for me to know!


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    In Response to <a href="">Re: NFP Users - come in!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Med, I'm always jealous of women who know just when they'll start their periods!  Even with charting, it still isn't consistent enough for me to know!
    Posted by Resa77[/QUOTE]

    I hear ya! Before baby, I had a general idea, and then "knew" because of pre-period spotting. Postpartum is like being in junior high all over again. It always seems to catch me by surprise, in large part because my LP is still very short. Luckily, I was well trained to always have supplies on hand, which has worked well for any number of friends and family members who never seem to know when it is coming.
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    I always envy people who can play vacations around it.  I don't think I've ever been to the beach and NOT started my period, including my HM!


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