
Wedding Info for Huntingdon, PA

Looking for any info/advice for a wedding in/near Huntingdon, PA ... reception venues, florists, photographers, etc.

Any and all info would be appreciated!

Re: Wedding Info for Huntingdon, PA

  • al0626al0626 member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    i'm from very close to the area.  many brides have their wedding at Raystown Lake.   They have a pretty nice reception building and beautiful views!  There's a couple florists in Huntingdon, too.  Four Seasons is great and right in town, 814.643.4702.,
    there's also Weavers, 814.643.0530 , 
    As far as photographers, I personally know Holly of Holly Noel Photography.  She's one of my good friends Sister-In-Law.  She's very very sweet and reasonably priced.  If you're looking for someone more edgy and modern, then Mike Landis is wonderful!!  He did my cousins wedding and the pics are stunning, but he's much more expensive.

    hope this helps!
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