July 2012 Weddings

12/27 Accountability

What was your biggest motivation last week?
If you did any workouts, what did you do?
What was your favorite healthy meal of the week?
Any motivational tips? quotes, pics, sayings, etc. you would like to share?
What is your goal for next week?
Any receipes you would like to share?

Re: 12/27 Accountability

  • I ran 3 times last week 3.6 miles each time.  My wedding dress came in so that was my motivation.  It looked good on yesterday but I really need to tone up my arms!

    I was so proud of myself I actually woke up at 8 am on Christmas Eve and went to the gym before I had to start running around.
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  • I started the 30 day shred again last week!  It felt so good!  I was so sore!!  My plan is to do it 3 times this week =)  I have lost 1lb...so, I'm just feeling better that I'm working out again!!
  • Ugh I gained a pound over Christmas :(

    What was your biggest motivation last week?  not much I was running around too much

    If you did any workouts, what did you do?  none :(

    What was your favorite healthy meal of the week?  Probably my cereal for breakfast and clementines :(

    Any motivational tips? quotes, pics, sayings, etc. you would like to share? Well my new motivation will be honeymoon since we are booking it soon for Hawaii and bathing suits are already out!!! 

    What is your goal for next week?  Lose that pound I gained!

    Any receipes you would like to share?

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