Florida-West Coast

QOTD Feb. 8th

Are you doing programs? What do they look like? What info are you including?

Re: QOTD Feb. 8th

  • Yes. I ordered them from a vendor on Etsy. They are 4 page square booklets, shimmer ivory cardstock with a black logo of our monogram on the front. The first page just has the basics, date, place, time etc...and also a thank you from FI and I. Second page is wedding party details. Third page outlines the ceremony. Last page explains all of the Jewish traditions since I converted to Judaism and my family is Christian we wanted to make sure everyone understood what was going on lol :)

    Also, if anyone is interested in using this vendor I can give you her info. She was super easy to work with and very affordable. 100 programs for $90. They turned out beautiful!
    imageWedding Countdown Ticker Learning to make a good brisket is only the beginning. www.shiksatoyenta.wordpress.com
  • I didn't do programs persay..I did from VP standard postcards and the front has all the wedding party members and a thank you. The back has directions to the reception. The only person not listed was my mother as she is walking me down the aisle and giving me away IF she is healthy enough..otherwise another family member will. She asked not to be listed.
    Nichole Tampa, FL BabyFetus Ticker
  • I thought about doing them, but to me I didn't feel like we needed them.
  • I used Microsoft Publisher and did mine myself.  They are perfect (for me).  I was able to be silly and fun, which is exactly what our guests will expect from us.

  • I really don't want to do programs. I don't feel like we need them either. I am not planning on doing them at this time.
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    Wedding Countdown Ticker
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