Florida-West Coast

Rehearsal Dinner Places in Naples???

Anyone know of any moderatly priced restarants in Naples nice enough to use for our rehearsal dinner? We have about 20 people we have to accomodate.

Re: Rehearsal Dinner Places in Naples???

  • edited December 2011

    They have a private room for up to 50 people. My company used them for their Christmas party one year.

    I've gone to one of the restaurants on 5th Ave. S for a big group dinner once and they seated us in the wine cellar - it was pretty awesome. Now if I could just remember what restaurant that was....

    http://www.handsomeharrys.com/ is also pretty good.  http://www.tommybahama.com/TBG/Stores_Restaurants/Naples.jsp is pretty much the Southwest Florida lifestyle in a restaurant.

    Though I guess I should ask what part of Naples you will be in? If you are not staying near Olde Naples, the traffic there may be a headache to navigate (not to mention parking).

    If you make a reservation, something after 7 pm may be easier to accommodate since the snowbirds will have already eaten their senior specials Tongue out
  • edited December 2011
    Also Seasons 52 just opened up - haven't been yet but I've heard great things. It's in North Naples. http://www.seasons52.com/group_event/naples.asp

  • TracyJ_2011TracyJ_2011 member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011

    Also there is Lurcat which is nice, there are a ton of restaurants on 5th.  There are also some nice restaurants in Mercadito (that I'm blanking on right now I'm sorry). We're doing ours at Roys, they have been pretty accomodating as far as my fiance's family has told me, which isn't much. :)

    Agree with crabbers - what time of year is your wedding? Off season you can also get better deals and it's easier to get around then during season. 5th is great if the guests are nearby, but if you're up in North Naples near the Ritz then it could be a long drive and you may want to look up there to do it at a hotel.

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