July 2012 Weddings

Would this be uncomfortable for anyone?

Sorry for being a bored PW today, but I have a question about something I've been unsure about.

Originally FI and I had planned to send out STDs to my family and his in the US, but at this point we realize it's more of a hassle, requiring more time than we have and extra unecessary money to spend. We're just going to do this the old fashioned way... informing via phone calls. For my tech savvy family members that I already know through experience respond to emails better than phone calls, I'm going to send them a personal email. More traditional people like aunts and uncles, I want to call. My question is, would it be ok to ask my mom or dad to help out with a few phone calls? Mainly because they're local and it's almost free to them compared to me making various international phone calls. The idea is I would ask my mom to call a few of her family members and my dad to call a few of his. I want to avoid this being awkward for the guests.. though I'm not even sure if this would qualify as a potentially awkward situation. Honestly I don't care too much about etiquette but I don't like feeling uncomfortable or making others feel so. TIA!
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