Florida-West Coast

Treasure Island Yacht and Tennis Club??? anyone have experience?

Ok so I found this gem via wedding wire and it seems wonderful. They are going through renovations and it should be done soon. We are not getting married until March 24, 2012 so by then all will be wonderful!

I just can't seem to find any picture by well-known photographers (or well the ones I stalk via their blog...) or any reviews on our board.

Anyone have any ideas?  Or experience with this venue?


Re: Treasure Island Yacht and Tennis Club??? anyone have experience?

  • edited December 2011

    I actually looked at TIYC, but decided against it.  The place is gorgeous and the menu is really affordable -- even with lots of enhancements. They also have shuttle service to nearby hotels so that you do not have to worry about your guests drinking too much.  The downfall is Treasure Island Beach.  It's not really that nice of a beach and the area is kind of...eh.  My family is all from NY so I did not want them to have to spend a ton of money to vacation there.  If many of your guests are local, it is a great option.  Definitely worth checking out to see what you think.  Hope this helps...
  • edited December 2011
    thanks! Yeah TI is pretty eh...but cheap. Figured we could class it up a bit and just point our guests to the nicer spots. 

    I appreciate your input!!!!!
  • edited December 2011
    I looked at this and Isla del Sol (I responded to the other posting) but I wanted outdoor and there isn't really anyplace do much outdoors. Inside is very pretty, but I like Isla better!
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