
Kinkos rocks my face off

So - I am STOKED at how my evening went last night...I went to GFS and bought ALL of my toppings for the cheesecake bar.  Not only do they have the candybars that we want to use as toppings, but they also sell them all crunched up already!!!!!  Then, I headed over to Walmart to grab a pillar candle for the memorial candle.Then, I dropped by FedEx Kinkos to see what they would charge me to print my dinner menus.  Now, mind you, I have printed every piece of paper at home on my printer, but since the menus will be handled a lot more than anything else, I wanted to make sure they def wouldn't smudge...and I trust Kinkos' printers more than mine.  So, we did a test run on their thick paper.  The paper is not as thick as coverstock but way thicker than copy paper.  ANYWHO - the test run was perfect and he quoted me "about $0.24 per sheet."  I get 3 menus to an 8.5x11 page so I needed about 33 sheets.  "Let's do it" I tell the boy!BUT GET THIS - while he's printing, he goes "Do you want me to cut them for you?"  I say " You would do that for me???"  He says absolutely!  So - not only am I saving time by having them print them, but I'm also not having to spend time cutting!?!?!?  SCORE!!!  He chops them up and tells me my total: $5.29.  Could life GET anymore perfect???  hahahahaI feel so accomplished in regards to wedding stuff and only had to spend and hour and a half doing it!Then it was off to the club for dinner and poker with the boy toy....which is a whole OTHER fun story.  :)

Re: Kinkos rocks my face off

  • edited December 2011
    When Mama's happy, everybody's happy (at least that's what the boy toy is starting to realize :)) Yay for productive evenings!
  • edited December 2011
    we also printed our menus and our seating chart here and our inserts and it was amazing how inexpensive it was for black and white printing and them to cut things for you!
  • dfraterdfrater member
    edited December 2011
    We are doing plain cheese cake with topping choices for people to choose from too.  Are you using it instead of a traditional cake, that is what we are doing??  I think our guests are going to love it.  My major score of the day.  My florist just called and since we ended up needing less centerpieces than we orginally told the florist and we already paid the balance they are going to decorate my cake table and seating card/sign in table.  Things we weren't going to buy flowers for to save some money.   
  • edited December 2011
    That's what we're doing, too.  No wedding cake - just cheesecake.  We'll set it up really pretty and with tons of different glassware shapes/sizes.  I bought 20 toppings - way too many and there will be tons left over, but I don't care!  I want it to look AWESOME!
  • edited December 2011
    Which Kinko's did you go to? I guess any will be that cheap though, you think???
  • edited December 2011
    He said it ended up being 19 cents per sheet.  Mine were black and white (so no color print) and only one sided.  So that may make a huge difference. I know that Ashley just went in today to print her programs and they were going to charge her $200 for 200 programs.  Hers are double-sided, color, and utilizes an entire 8.5x11 (bookfold program).
  • edited December 2011
    Oh - and I went to the one on Mason-Montgomery near BD's and next to that Starbucks.
  • abbey&joshabbey&josh member
    edited December 2011
    So, I click in and out of the Knot all day, and everytime I saw the title of this post today, it made me smile!  You crack me up!
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