New York


Would you mind re-posting your first-hand experience w/ KC.... just re-name him "impeccable professional" or something and put a note so that people can PM you for his real name.... since apparently, your first-hand experience was not welcome by certain banned members.... I think it's important that other brides are warned, but I guess we have to do it (gag) cautiously....

Thanks so much!!! 
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Re: **kkzolo**

  • edited December 2011
    Ugh that is so annoying! I haven't been involved with any trashing mine was an actual experience..... And it took me forever to write haha
  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: **kkzolo**</a>:
    [QUOTE]Ugh that is so annoying! <strong>I haven't been involved with any trashing mine was an actual experience</strong>..... And it took me forever to write haha
    Posted by kkozlo2[/QUOTE]

    We know. This person is just going crazy b/c they started some BS about this DJ and for whatever reason cant see that she single handedly ruined his reputation.

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