New York

Sick of biting my tounge

I feel like everytime I turn around lately Im being told I need to bite my tounge. It wouldnt be so bad if it were minor things Im keeping hushed, but theyre not!

I fully get that my internship is 100% confidentiality. I can talk about it, but using names or anything identifying is a big fat no-no. So last night, Im talking to one of the guys and doesnt it figure that his step-brothers wife is a friend of mine. Hm. Even more so, his SBs friends, whom he used to hang with and blow lines with....are friends of DHs from HS. DH's SB was their dealer! Now DHs brother was put through rehab and is now 100% clean and living a great life and same with this guys SB, but its eating at me. I cant tell the one person I tell everything to, b/c Id fully breech confidentiality! Best part, this guy mentioned DH, without knowing who he is b/c DH changed his last name after HS. And I fully refuse to talk about DH at SBH. Its none of their business who he is.

Then today mom calls me to tell me 1 of her coworkers (2 doors down from my office) knows a girl I went to HS with and HATE HATE HATE. Totally warrented, shes a horrible human being, the story is far too long. Then tells me she told said coworker "Oh yeah Bridgett knew her from HS!" Then tells me to bite my tounge if coworkers says anything to me. OF COURSE SHES GUNNA SAY SOMETHING!! This woman went on for 5 flipping minutes about how shes such a great girl and hard worker and how wonderful she is. AHHHH!

And lastly, I finally decided I need to talk to my supervisor about this coworker of mine that is making me nuts with her 500 phone calls a day and her lack of ability to do anything work related. So I go in to ask a work related question first and she is so stressed thats shes literally crackin up. So I once again bite my tounge for a better day.

I need a therapist.

People are inherently stupid. Weddings make it painfully obvious -- KevinandMonica
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Re: Sick of biting my tounge

  • edited December 2011
    That sounds stressful!! Especially because you can't just talk about it openly. I'm sure your DH would understand (if he found out for some reason) that you have no choice, and that you aren't deliberately not telling him.

    I give you snaps though, because if it were me, I can't help but vent loud and clear to pretty much everyone around me when I'm having a tough day (or around people that irk me!). Laughing

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  • kks4471kks4471 member
    500 Comments Third Anniversary 5 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited December 2011
    You don't need a therapist, you need TK to vent on!  :)  Seriously though, I can't believe how close the internship guy and your DH are, without them knowing it.  What a small world!!!
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  • edited December 2011
    You lost me at "biting my tongue"... that's all I've got.
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  • edited December 2011
    Yeah I hate being told to bite my tongue. My mother and I get into it allllll the time b/c she acts like Im someone who doesnt voice their opinion and hasnt been that way my whole life. Insanity: Doing the same thing multiple times expecting different results. My mother is insane.

    But yeah the internship deal is a little rough. But thats the field Im going into. No matter where I take my degree, Ill be required to keep hushed

    People are inherently stupid. Weddings make it painfully obvious -- KevinandMonica
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  • edited December 2011
    Ugh I hate not being able to say something/get something off my chest when I reeeeeally want to or feel I need to. In cases like your job, it's ESPECIALLY difficult when you actually have to get up the courage to say it, only to find out when the times comes that you're ready to confront the issue, you can't because of other crap outside of your control.

    Today is a new day, and if you're going into work today, try again to talk to your boss. Even if it seems like she is "cracking up," you still have a job to do regardless of whether or not she can provide proper supervision/do her job correctly, and you have the right to come to her with issues when they're bothering you, not when it's convenient for her to deal with them. If you think you still can't/shouldn't say anything to her, go to her supervisor. Bam
  • edited December 2011

    Funny story. Im on my way to work this morning and theres a point on 481S that merges from 3 to 2 lanes. So this car has been behind me for most my 15 min ride to work, about 3ish car lengths back and all of a sudden he guns it to get in front of me before the merge. Totally cuts me off. I hit my horn and gave him the finger, all while swerving to the right lane and passing him. Doesnt he get behind me and turn his undercover cop car lights on. Fuuuckin A.

    Then he comes up all angry and "What seems to be your problem today ma'am?" and proceeds to lecture me on road rage and passing on the right and how you never know if the person in the other car is psycho and what if you caused an accident and neither of us made it to work, blah blah blah, then lets me off on a warning hoping that I "learned my lesson". Yes sir, I did learn my lesson. next time a car cuts me off, Ill just hit the back end of it rather than cut to the other lane to avoid it. Thank you for solidifying my hatred for arrogant cops.

    And here I thought I wouldnt have to make my tongue bleed today.

    People are inherently stupid. Weddings make it painfully obvious -- KevinandMonica
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  • edited December 2011
    I was mislead by "funny story." Then I realized you meant funny, as in, completely not funny at all but relly effing irritating to the point where I should just laugh at myself. Gotcha.

    I would have said "I'm sorry officer, I was just a little put off by the fact that you've followed a good distance behind me for a while now and then got in front of me very quickly once the lanes merged." I HAVE said something to an officer before. I was doing about 75 on I-90, and when a cop pulled behind me I OBVIOUSLY slowed down and set my cruise control to 65, right on the speed limit. He pulls me over after FIVE MINUTES of me driving properly, and I asked him why didn't he pull me over before and he had no response but to discuss it at my court date if I want to contest it. I did, and got it reduced. Bam x2 today
  • edited December 2011
    Wow. That's crazy!!!
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  • sbolger17sbolger17 member
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments
    edited December 2011
    Wow!  What an a**hole that cop is!
  • edited December 2011
    See i think my favorite part is that I was doing a solid 75-78mph the whole freakin way. I was runnin pretty late. And that didnt warrant a ticket? Nope, just the "road rage" and passing on the right. Please.

    People are inherently stupid. Weddings make it painfully obvious -- KevinandMonica
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • edited December 2011
    UGHHH I hate mean, arrogant, irritating cops!!!! We should start a club, Bridgett
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