I feel like everytime I turn around lately Im being told I need to bite my tounge. It wouldnt be so bad if it were minor things Im keeping hushed, but theyre not!
I fully get that my internship is 100% confidentiality. I can talk about it, but using names or anything identifying is a big fat no-no. So last night, Im talking to one of the guys and doesnt it figure that his step-brothers wife is a friend of mine. Hm. Even more so, his SBs friends, whom he used to hang with and blow lines with....are friends of DHs from HS. DH's SB was their dealer! Now DHs brother was put through rehab and is now 100% clean and living a great life and same with this guys SB, but its eating at me. I cant tell the one person I tell everything to, b/c Id fully breech confidentiality! Best part, this guy mentioned DH, without knowing who he is b/c DH changed his last name after HS. And I fully refuse to talk about DH at SBH. Its none of their business who he is.
Then today mom calls me to tell me 1 of her coworkers (2 doors down from my office) knows a girl I went to HS with and HATE HATE HATE. Totally warrented, shes a horrible human being, the story is far too long. Then tells me she told said coworker "Oh yeah Bridgett knew her from HS!" Then tells me to bite my tounge if coworkers says anything to me. OF COURSE SHES GUNNA SAY SOMETHING!! This woman went on for 5 flipping minutes about how shes such a great girl and hard worker and how wonderful she is. AHHHH!
And lastly, I finally decided I need to talk to my supervisor about this coworker of mine that is making me nuts with her 500 phone calls a day and her lack of ability to do anything work related. So I go in to ask a work related question first and she is so stressed thats shes literally crackin up. So I once again bite my tounge for a better day.
I need a therapist.
People are inherently stupid. Weddings make it painfully obvious -- KevinandMonica