New York

because I'm not on here often enough--Oct 2, 2010 weddings?

Hi--is anyone else here getting married on Oct 2? I am wondering if anyone that is on here is taking their pictures at Onondaga Park as it is already reserved and I was wondering what your time frame is...

can you please respond to this post if your a 10/2/10 bride?  Thank you!!

Re: because I'm not on here often enough--Oct 2, 2010 weddings?

  • edited December 2011
    Call (315) 473-4330...that's the number for Parks and Recreation. They are super nice there (my sister works thereTongue out).
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  • edited December 2011
    haha I just spoke to MaryBeth today (is that your sister??) and she was telling me that there is a permit for onondaga park from 1-5, and that someone else is already looking to get in that day too.  I'm going to use elmwood as a backup though, it's around the corner and a bit more secluded.  I don't even care about the gazebo at Onondaga, just the trees and the bridge--it's a public park, I should be able to do that without interfering with the other couple's pictures, right?
  • edited December 2011
    Mary Beth is not my sister but I do know her! Elmwood is gorgeous and I bet you could get some great pictures by the waterfall, I totally forgot about that! I think if you go to take pictures and stay out of anyone else's way, you'd be fine. I agree that the bridge is the best part. Just past the bridge is a little pond that is really pretty too (we called it Monkey Island as kids for some strange reason). I hope the weather cooperates! You have to promise to post pictures after the wedding!
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  • edited December 2011
    That's exactly what I was thinking--be polite and get the heck out of the way and if someone says something I would gladly and respectfully leave.  You know, I do have to say I was excited about elmwood--i didn't get out because I didn't have a lot of time but I found some really nice spots even just from the parking lot.  Mary Beth said that was a great park too. 

    Also, I am very excited to meet everyone at the GTG--everyone on here seems so excited and I need some wedding excitement right about now :)
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