New York

A little vent

So, I ordered my dress in January and they told me it would be in on June 27th, but this was verbally and they didn't put it in writing.  So I called them to confirm it would be in on Monday, since I have an alterations appointment scheduled for Thursday.  Now they tell me, that's just the date it "should" be shipped from the manufacturer by and it will be mid-July before it gets here and is ready for me to start alterations! 

It wouldn't be so bad but my alterations lady is super popular and now she'll only have 4 weeks to do it all, since we are leaving to drive from Minnesota to New York in mid-August. 

I'm sure it will be fine, and 4 weeks is probably enough, but I'm someone who like a little "wiggle room" and we're getting awfully close to not having any time if something goes wrong.  I'm glad I ordered my dress when I did!  My friends & family kept saying they didn't see why I was rushing to order my dress so early! 

Thanks ladies - I just wanted to vent a little, and now, since i have no control over the situation, I'm going to try to focus on things that really need my attention.
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Re: A little vent

  • edited December 2011
    I completely understand your frustration. I took my dress in 3 months before the wedding. It worked out perfect for me b/c her hours were a bit wacky and I could only see her every 2 weeks and I met with her 3 times before we got it perfect. But I think you'll be good with the month. I really do.

    Sorry you had to deal with that. Its def unnecessary stress.

    People are inherently stupid. Weddings make it painfully obvious -- KevinandMonica
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • edited December 2011
    Thanks Bridgett!  I'm sure it will be ok, just frustrating.  By the way, I really enjoyed seeing your pictures - you looked lovely!  Laughing
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  • Happily9Happily9 member
    Knottie Warrior 500 Comments
    edited December 2011
    Stay positive :0)  I am sure it will all work out for you!
  • edited December 2011
    Thank You!

    People are inherently stupid. Weddings make it painfully obvious -- KevinandMonica
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • sbolger17sbolger17 member
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments
    edited December 2011
    I totally understand your frustration too.  That's a little scary.  But I'm sure that your seamstress can make it work in that timeframe and that everything will turn out perfectly!
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