New York

Visiting from Boston- need travel recs!

Hi ladies,

H and I are looking to spend a few days in NY next month, and I was wondering if anyone had any ideas on which region/hotel recs. We are looking for an area that has hiking, kayaking, restaurants, and other things to do, and looking for a hotel with a pool, maybe on a lake, and other amenities for under $150/night. Any ideas?

Thank you!

Re: Visiting from Boston- need travel recs!

  • edited December 2011
    Your best bet in that price range and hiking/lakefront/kayaking etc would probably be the Adirondacks... check the Upstate NY board for more specific recs.  CNY is pretty flat.... and WNY is pretty expensive/flat also.  Sorry I am not more help...
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  • raes19raes19 member
    Eighth Anniversary 1000 Comments
    edited December 2011

    If gorge hiking interests you, the Ithaca or Watkins Glen area might be worth checking into. Both are located on lakes and are nice areas. Watkins Glen is a little quieter unless you visit during a race weekend. Ithaca is a college town and has a lot of neat shops and that sort of thing, and would be quieter in the summer when school is out.

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  • edited December 2011

    I live in the Catskills.  My fiance and I both hike, kayak, canoe etc.  I am not sure of the cost of places to stay.  I've pasted in a link ( I don't know how to do the 'clicky' thing).  Some of these places are magnificent,  all will place you near hiking trails.  As for the kayaking....not sure.  It would depend on whether you own kayaks or not.

  • edited December 2011
    Here's a pretty good link that may help get you started...
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  • edited December 2011
    Ithaca is a good weekend destination. There are lots of cute B&B's there. You can day-hike the gorges and then eat dinner at one of the nice restaurants. Moosewood Restaurant is famous. They have a popular cookbook. The town is right on a lake, but I don't think many people kayak, although I'm sure you could. There are also several state parks and pretty waterfalls near there. Letchworth State park might also be worth seeing. They call it "the grand canyon of the east." It does have some impressive waterfalls and vistas.
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