Ok I need your help. I had a situation happen yesterday that Im sure will happen again and I'd really like to be ready with something to say that wont get me kicked from my internship, but that allows me to voice my own and not just take the chit Im given.
Yesterday i was sitting at the "counselors table" during dinner and one of the clients came up to me and asked if he could talk to me a min. I said sure and pulled out a seat for him (rules say they are allowed to sit with us if theyre talking to us about the program if we ok it). This guy is known to be very cocky and to have royal anger issues and started talking to me about how hes been working on his anger and has been doing really well but that he was having a rough day and just needed to vent to someone that he didnt feel the need to hit (yay me!). Then this fuuckin nurse comes over and sits down to eat and with no hesitation says "J go away Im eating!" All stern and royal biitch like. I wasnt sure of the rules at the time so I just kinda sat there open jawed and surprised at her tone. He says to her "Im speaking to a counselor." "Go. Away. NOW!" then I see J clench his fists so I put my hand on his and told him we'd talk later, take a breath, its not worth it. And he walked away.
Im still just in fuuckin awe over it. And you all know Im not one to be spoken to like that and keep hushed, nor am I ok with people talking to others like that if its not warrented. I cant get kicked from this program but I also dont want the clients to think Im someone they cant talk to b/c I get walked on. I realize that recidivism rates are very high in programs like this, but I refuse to be unhopeful for the clients Im working with. I believe that once you believe they wont make it, you try helping them less. The day I decide they cant be helped is the day I move on from this population. This population needs help and Im gunna do my damnedest to help the best I can.
So i dont know what to do. Can you ladies think of anything nice enough that I wont get kicked but snarky enough that the nurse knows Im here to help and shes not going to push me or my clients around? Or do I need to keep hushed and simply walk them away from the table to talk if it happens again? Personally I wanted to let him punch her in the face...but that wouldnt be good for either of us.
People are inherently stupid. Weddings make it painfully obvious -- KevinandMonica