So I told you guys about finding out I had an outside connection with one of the client and then how he came to me looking to talk b/c he was having a rough day and just needed someone to talk to. Well, I went in tonight and he came right up all excited b/c yesterday he found out that he had 6-8 days left and he will have completed the program and would be eligible to take the next step (halfway house). I was so excited for him! I mean Im excited for every person Ive seen complete the program so far, but I knew from groups and such that this meant a lot to him b/c he had friends and family who he once did drugs with and they cleaned themseves up and he wanted what they had.
So my heart sank terribly when 30 min before I was going to leave he mentioned it again and after leaving the room his primary counselor says "Its too bad he's being kick out tomorrow morning". Apparently there was a random room search done (to all rooms) and they found cigarettes and a lighter found in his belongings and its not his first "strike". I think I mentioned before that he has anger issues well he was banned from using the phones b/c him and baby momma fought horribly and he called her a 'f^cking c^nT'. Im just so disappointed and so heartbroken and just filled with thoughts and I cant get them all straight.
I know that part of the heartbreak is b/c I know his "people" and I know they got straight and I had high hopes that he would. And I totally believe he still can, he had cigarettes, not coke, but I also learned a lot about him in the 2-3 weeks Ive been here and I know that being kicked out vs completing the program will not help in big ways. Im furious that he has no idea about it. He has anger issues I get it but Jesus Christ, if you find something termination it then! Give him an hr or 2 to pack and call for a ride or something. He was just so excited to be close to done.
Then theres the nurse. Do I blame her? No But Im certainly ot letting her off the hook. He came to me to talk about his bad day and his stress and looking for some relief and she fuckin shoo'd him away like a garbage fly and I didnt have a chance to 1 on 1 with him that night. Then I was off for a day and then today. Its not her fault I know this, I just cant help but think that if he could have spoken to someone that he wouldnt have stressed out and bought cigarettes. But dont think Im letting him off the hook either. Hes a big boy and knew the rules and he willingly broke them.
I dunno, Im just a big ball of first-timers disappointment and heartache. Its a rough field to be in, I know. I just hate that Im feeling it so soon.
Thanks for letting me vent
People are inherently stupid. Weddings make it painfully obvious -- KevinandMonica