New York


Hey! Where did you decide to look at dresses on Thursday in Rochester?
Also, there is a bridal show at the Raddisson Hotel from 5-7 on Thursday. I don't know what time you were planning to be here, but if you want to go, I am working till 4, but going to the show (will be my first), and had gotten extra tickets incase my mom and FMIL wanted to go but neither can, so.. if you want to meet up and check out the Rochester bridal scene let me know and we can meet up!!!
image 169 Made the cut!
image 137 Are ready to party! image29 Are missing out! image 3 Are making me crazy!

Re: ****Monica******

  • edited December 2011
    That is really really sweet!!!  Thank you so much for thinking of me!
    I would absolutely love to go... but I will have to check with one of my BM's who is coming with me to hunt for a dress.  She has 2 young munchkins and I am not sure what time she needs to be home for them.  As long as she doesn't need to be back in Syracuse too early, I can go.  That would be so awesome!
    I will check with Allison tonight and try to get back to you.
    Thanks a ton!!!
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  • edited December 2011
    I talked to my girl Allison and she said she is up for anything!
    Would you mind emailing me at
    Maybe we could exchange numbers and I will text when I make it out that way or we can figure out when/where to meet up.
    Thank you again sooooo much!  Super excited!
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    monica & kevin married 5.28.11
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