The reputable jewelry store where we dropped our rings to be engraved just called me and told me that one of the diamonds on my wedding band fell out during the engraving or cleaning. They have the diamond but it might cost as much as $100 to put it back in. WTF? My other option is to take it to the place where we bought it and they'll do it for free. Except we bought it in NYC. I have to go to NJ this weekend and NYC the weekend after that for my bachelorette party, but we really weren't planning on going in there this weekend and it's a PIA.
I am so pissed and worried right now. And if you're thinking, hey, didn't this happen before, you'd be right. When we bought it, it was missing a diamond that we had to get fixed. If these diamonds start falling out all the time once I'm actually wearing it, I'll have to get a new band and that makes me super sad because it's absolutely beautiful.
And FI is MIA right now so I can't even talk to him about what the best option is.