New York

Little Giggle...

So... this may not be as funny to anyone who hasn't been through nursing school, but I found it quite hilarious so I thought I would share.

I told one of my bridesmaids that I just could not get organized this semester...

She diagnosed me with "Bridal Brain" and provided the following semi-textbook information...

Patho-phys: bridal brain causes temporary trauma to the brain resulting in erratic behavior, forgetfullness, loss of reality, severe instances of DIY, and could increase the risk of bridezilla syndrome
Diagnostic Testing Options: Only diagnostic test available at this time are observance of these symptoms and the presence of an engagement ring
Treatment Options: Elopement
Terminal: No
Curable: Yes, upon the exchange of vows and a honeymoon. Other than that, keep drinking your fluids. Wine that is....

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