New York

Blood VS Water

Whoever said 'blood is thicker than water' obviously has never met my extended family! OMG.

So long story short, my grandfather died 7 yrs ago and his family fell apart. 1 by 1 they hated each other for bugus chit and while my dad tried to hold everyone together he just couldnt. He even brought over gifts for my cousins kids who lived with my aunt and she pretended not to be home and never gave a thank you call.

So, we decided to invite all my dads siblings to the wedding (despite their hatred and rudeness toward each other) with the rule that whoever opts not to come, doesnt get an invite to my sisters wedding and my sister and I are once and for all able to write them out of our lives. However, we opted not to invited any of them to the shower to save any bullchit and drama.

Well 1 of my aunts so sweetly asked her son to tell me shes not coming b/c it was rude of me not to invite her to the shower. Seriously??

So over this chit.

People are inherently stupid. Weddings make it painfully obvious -- KevinandMonica
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