New York


I just sent my mother our guest list last night so she can start addressing the invitations.  I'm totally freaked out now.  I thought I was being really clear about how everything should be addressed; I marked when people were single, when dating, when they were living together, and when they were married so she'd know how to address the envelopes (I also put a key at the bottom). 

So then she writes me back and asks me if the couple is dating if she should write "and guest" on the inside envelope or the person's gf/bf name.  Aah!  She's a teacher so she's very careful about stuff like this, but now I'm worried that something will go wrong.  I fear that this is how some etiquette mistakes happen...And she lives in VA and will be mailing them from there, so there will be no proofreading from me.  This is a little scary!

Re: Invitations

  • edited December 2011
    I can understand.. I gave my envelopes to my mom for addressing also. However she lives only an hour away, and we don't have inner envelopes. So in a way that makes it easier.
     She still texted me half a dozen times with questions though! I had her address things to people's specific dates names if we knew who they were dating. She made a few "suggestions" which I kindly let her know were not neccesary - (don't you think you should invite so and so's son too?, even though you haven't seen him in 25 years?)
    Good luck!
    image 169 Made the cut!
    image 137 Are ready to party! image29 Are missing out! image 3 Are making me crazy!
  • sbolger17sbolger17 member
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments
    edited December 2011
    At least their questions mean they're trying to get it right, I suppose....
  • edited December 2011
    I wouldnt worry too much. Like you said, shes asking questions so that shes sure she'll get it right. Also...shes your mom. If you guys have even half of a decent relationship, shes not going to just send them out half-assed. Shes going to make sure theyre done right.

    Also, dont stress too much about the etiquette. If youre good friend Tina gets an invite for Tina + guest when her and Tom have been dating for 4 years. Shes not going to cry about it.

    Im a firm believer that true etiquette varies from couple to couple. Not everyone agrees. But to me, if you arent married or engaged having a "+ guest" is perfectly acceptable.

    Of course Im also the girl who put nicknames on the escort cards. Joshs cousin even got a guest escort card that said "Jodi's hot ass date". (I earned huge brownie points for that). I think some people need too loosen up a bit and know their crowd.

    Sorry, I get a little preachy when it comes to etiquette.

    People are inherently stupid. Weddings make it painfully obvious -- KevinandMonica
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • sbolger17sbolger17 member
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments
    edited December 2011
    Haha, you're too funny, Bridgett!

    I think the E-board on here has made me crazy!  Although I got called an "and guest" last summer for a wedding shortly before FI and I were engaged.  I was kind of insulted that they didn't bother to put my name on it.
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