So... after cleaning till about midnight last night, I found some more wedding goodies that I need to get rid of. I have a Sale site with lots of stuff listed, but these items, in particular, I would prefer to sell locally b/c shipping would be a wicked pain.
- aisle runner... don't know the dimensions off the top of my head. White, from Hobby Lobby... not flowery design... maybe swirls or something. I was going to paint our monogram on it, then decided not to use an aisle runner at all (increased chance of tripping)
- square votives... I still have like 70 of these left. I cna get an exact count
- brown paper 8x11 gift bags... I used these for our OOT Welcome bags and they worked perfectly!
- 2 HUGE wine glasses... can be seen in some of our pics. My brother and brother-in-law decided to use these for their toasts... hilarious!
If interested in anything, email me at with an offer!
Lots of other stuff posted on sale site in bio.
New & Improved Blog
Online Garage Sale
monica & kevin married 5.28.11
bfp 8.11.11 - m/c 8.17.11
bfp 11.11.11 - edd 7.25.12