I think most of you guys already have your dress, but if you don't I HIGHLY recommend Nancy's Bridal shop in Cortland. Nancy is wonderful! She treats you like you are a person and not just another customer. When i was looking for my dress I knew exactly which one I wanted...so I called my local bridal shop and was told "We are too busy to be looking up wedding dresses right now!" Seriously?!?!? That's you job!!!!! So I figured out who else had my dress...and Nancy's was listed. I called there...and she thought maybe she had seen it in her store, but couldn't find it. Five minutes later she calls me back...I hadn't left my name/number...but she took it off caller ID. Anyway, she told me that she had looked through her racks and finally found the dress!!! I couldn't believe she had taken the time to do that! Well of course that is where I bought my dress from..
1 1/2 hour drive and all. She has been just as helpful ever since! Just wanted to share this tip with anyone who is looking for a bridal shop with excellent customer service!!