New York

Rehearsal Dinner help!

Ok with my rant out of the way, I need help with a location.

Were getting married in Cicero so Im looking to stay more that way, but if I need to go lower on a price then Im willing to make a small drive. We've looked into Borios and thats about it. I really dont know what else is out that way.

Re: Rehearsal Dinner help!

  • edited December 2011
    I'm going to be of little help here because I'm not really familiar with cicero, but there's an italian restaurant on 31 after the auto auction and after the high school on the right, isn't there?  My relatives like the place and maybe you could do something casual there?  I'm sorry I can't remember the name, I believe it's the last names of the owners...

    Good luck with your situation, I went through a bit of the same about our OOT family being invited (that's how it's done in my family) and them paying for it but not wanting pretty much anyone there other than the bridal party.  Keep us posted....
  • rraven2718rraven2718 member
    edited December 2011
    Sorry to hear about your difficulties! Our rehearsal dinner will be at Spaghetti Warehouse. It's a little out of where you wanted to travel, but we are having 5 different meal choices, salad, bread, and soda for $16 a person (tax and gratuity are included in that price!). They have other menu options right on their website. Also, have you looked into Castaways in Brewerton? Good luck!
  • bfuller1085bfuller1085 member
    edited December 2011
    Thanks Soon Ill have to look into it. And Spaghetti Warehouse. Mmm! Ill def add that to my list.

    I guess my issue is that OOT guests really arent much for family so I dont see the point. There is a step grandfather and step aunt/uncle on FIs side....but we agreed not to include step b/c that adds another 6 grandparents alone! Other than that the OOTers are friends. And heres a funny little rant Ill throw out there. My FSIL is in the wedding but not of age to drive. I told her and FSMIL about the they went and got her sized...but didnt order it. Said they were waiting until other people ordered first. Really?! This is the kind of confusing crap I deal with. But I can't help but laugh at it b/c its just so "WTF?!"
  • edited December 2011
    Coppertop is one of our favorites places! There's one on Rt. 11.
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