Ok so Ive already got my reception time set from 1-5 with the ceremony at 12 and I cant change it or budge the time any later b/c there is a wedding an hr after my reception ends. My photographer said she could fit my pictures into a 45 min time slot but that it'll be a crunch and probably stressful (I agree!) So I asked if I could move my reception from 12-5 (12-1 being a cocktail hr) and my ceremony to 11:30am and thats fine with the hall....but is 1130 enough time to get ready?
I hate idle time and I know that Im going to want to get up and get going. Ive had my hair done the way It'll be done and I know it'll take about an hr. Most likely Ill be doing my own makeup b/c Ive seen way too many nightmares with makeup artists and Im not willing to spend $70 on makeup that isn't me. My girls are pretty free to do their hair as they please (I'd prefer it be up but Im not going to demand it b/c I know $$ can be tight, Ive been there) and if they want to get it done they can have it done when and where they want. If we have time for a few "just us girls" shots before we leave, fine. If not, fine. And the drive is about 20 min.
Do you think it can be done?! Im having a mini panic attack about it...but Im always worried I wont have enough time.