New York

Help! Do I have time?!

Ok so Ive already got my reception time set from 1-5 with the ceremony at 12 and I cant change it or budge the time any later b/c there is a wedding an hr after my reception ends. My photographer said she could fit my pictures into a 45 min time slot but that it'll be a crunch and probably stressful (I agree!) So I asked if I could move my reception from 12-5 (12-1 being a cocktail hr) and my ceremony to 11:30am and thats fine with the hall....but is 1130 enough time to get ready?

I hate idle time and I know that Im going to want to get up and get going. Ive had my hair done the way It'll be done and I know it'll take about an hr. Most likely Ill be doing my own makeup b/c Ive seen way too many nightmares with makeup artists and Im not willing to spend $70 on makeup that isn't me. My girls are pretty free to do their hair as they please (I'd prefer it be up but Im not going to demand it b/c I know $$ can be tight, Ive been there) and if they want to get it done they can have it done when and where they want. If we have time for a few "just us girls" shots before we leave, fine. If not, fine. And the drive is about 20 min.

Do you think it can be done?! Im having a mini panic attack about it...but Im always worried I wont have enough time.

Re: Help! Do I have time?!

  • bfuller1085bfuller1085 member
    edited December 2011

    We're doing pictures after the ceremony. With the exeption of me getting ready of course. It shouldnt be a problem to have my hair done at 9. My hairdresser is a childhood friend and is willing to help me at any time. I just get so nervous about thinking I have time and then finding out I was wrong and having to rush ya know? Oh lord Im going to be such a mess! haha

  • C*MiaC*Mia member
    edited December 2011
    You will have to be an early bird but it is definetly doable. I'm starting at 8:30 AM and we are starting pictures around 12. It only takes long if you aren't organized and know what you're doing. :)
  • bfuller1085bfuller1085 member
    edited December 2011

    Oh come on Crystal! You know me better than that! I would sleep for a living if I could and I'd lose my head if it wasnt attached. Im screwed. haha.

  • C*MiaC*Mia member
    edited December 2011

    I was trying to give you the benefit of the doubt :) I'm the farthest thing from a morning person too so after the 30th i'll tell ya if you have time or not lol. I have to be at the salon by 8:30 (shoot me now)

  • edited December 2011
    I definitely think it's do-able.  Just plan to get up and get moving early!!!  Ask one of your trusted BM's to drag you out of bed with some coffee... you will be fine.  My BM that got married last year said she was so excited that she woke up at like 530am and was BORED!!!  Lol.  She couldn't wait to get started on her hair and makeup. 
    I think once your feet hit the ground, the adrenaline will take over.
    Just don't forget breakfast!!!
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  • bfuller1085bfuller1085 member
    edited December 2011
    Thanks! Im actually hoping I sleep the night before! I'll probably need a shot of something to calm the nerves and knock me out. FI and I decided a 1-5 reception was actually a good idea b/c neither of us will sleep well the night before. This way we can pass out by 7-8pm if need be.

    Ok girls. Im making the call today and making 11:30 official!
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