New York

Must read! KC related!

Ok so I started a new thread on this b/c its just waaaay too good to be missed!

So I wnt to google Kevin Colangelo to get his website and google suggests "KC Complaints" Ok Ill bite! Well in one of the website previews I see "I am Kevin Colangelo, President of...." Once again...Ill bite.

Heres the website:

If tis really is KC writing in here he's a childish idiot with nothing better to do than slander others to make himself look good. The first post is long and I didnt bother but the next few are pretty interesting!

People are inherently stupid. Weddings make it painfully obvious -- KevinandMonica
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Re: Must read! KC related!

  • edited December 2011
    "He is called around here an Internet Terrorist. We noticed that when we looked up Kevin Colangelo that there must have been a complaint against him and we see a threat from him warning that he is watching the board. He does that to actual brides and companies tries to scare them. I think he forgets he is in America now."

    My favorite

    People are inherently stupid. Weddings make it painfully obvious -- KevinandMonica
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • edited December 2011
    Oh my gosh... this solidifies it.... cb=kc... for sure. All I needed to see was the obnoxious, unnecessary use of caps and the word "childish" about 6 dozen times. Freaking hilarious!!!
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  • edited December 2011
    I do not offer clients a DJ for $75 and nowhere on the site does it say that!

    I have NOTHING to do with 1800 DJ - used to work for them but left 3 years ago and want nothing to do with the guy that runs it from his house -- he left me a HUGE mess to clear up when he had an accident and I bought his local business and paid a debt he owed a DJ of $10,000 - YES - I Paid it!

    My service offers DJs at ONLY $75 to book and the rest goes to our DJs listed - we DO NOT charge ANY fee to list with us or receive job offers - we do all the work to get a signed contract and offer it on a plate to the DJs listed with us - they take it or leave it - simple - no other National DJ service offers this and does not charge the DJs - only paid members on our site are paying a small yearly fee as they get priority on bookings -- unlike 1800 DJ and entertain USA - we do NOT charge DJs anything to list with us!

    By the way saying or implying I am not trustworthy because of an apostrophe - well small minds......don't be an idiot eh!
    Some people will try to find ANYTHING to discourage someone or a Company - quite pathetic! - BEHAVE will you!

    Thats from another complaint site. The man needs to learn how to keep his nose off the website. if youre a good DJ, youre better off shutting the F up and letting your cliets spread the good word. You simply look like an immature idiot. Something fishy about you and your business uh Kevin, when you feel the need to defend every little thing. Perhaps you should spend more time on your business and less time worrying about what people have to say about you.

    People are inherently stupid. Weddings make it painfully obvious -- KevinandMonica
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • edited December 2011
    This sutff makes me giggle.
    Miss Mrs. New & Improved Blog Chart
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    monica & kevin married 5.28.11
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  • edited December 2011
    One of Kevin's defense posts:
    "we have an impeccable reputation NATIONWIDE in that we supply quality DJs to our clients - why do you think MADONNA selected OUR company to supply DJs for her tour in 2008?"

    Didn't the pm to Monica from CB say that Kevin has an "impeccable reputation"? This guy needs to get a Thesaurus!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    Ok im having way too much fun with this. Must be a dull day at work huh? So on this site:
    there is further proof that CB=KC:

    i guess timing is everything. just received this from a client.

    Hi Mike,
    Very nice speaking with you today. I'm eternally grateful for your services! Do you want a deposit? If so, how much?

    A cautionary tale:
    That other dj I was emailing with (who never even had the courtesy to call me before sending a contract), originally quoted $475 for a dj & emcee, then upped it to $950 when he sent the contract, later claiming he mistakenly gave me his wedding rate. Then when I said I'd hire him if he honored his original quote, he said he would, but that would buy me only one person and no real entertainment beyond music. So I told him thanks, but no thanks. I hired someone else (without naming names or quoting prices, of course). Then, he sends me this, which I think is really tacky. Maybe it's standard in the industry, but I think any customer would be pretty turned off by it...I'd be interested in your thoughts.

    Any DJ lower than $475 for a Bat/Bar Mitzvah must be -
    ( the DJ you book MUST have Public Liability insurance as without it they may not be allowed into the facility and if anything happens at the party - you would be sued and not the DJ who has no insurance)
    (We have 2 million cover)

    Part time wanna be weekend warrior
    We are full time professionals

    Low Quality
    NO talent or little experience
    Our DJs have a proven track record and excellent references

    NO knowledge of formalities
    Doesn't know what a Hamotzi or a Hora is
    All of our DJs have done many Bat and Bar Mitzvahs

    Low quality equipment
    The home HI FI types and tatty old non maintained
    Our DJs have top quality professional grade equipment no older that 24 months

    No back up in case of illness
    Who would do you event if he was ill?
    we always have DJs on stand by
    etc etc

    Good Luck!

    David Vincent
    Customer Services Manager
    Kevin Colangelo Premiere Disc Jockeys
    Toll Free 1-888-291-6362

    Sound just like our little Miss Carol to me! Throwing everyone else under the bus b/c OBVIOUSLY KC is the best and knows EVERYTHING!

    People are inherently stupid. Weddings make it painfully obvious -- KevinandMonica
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • edited December 2011
    Are you kidding me?!?!?! This was deleted too?!

    It was a freakin thread showing how poor of a business man this DJ is!

    Congratulations TK Gods. Youve officially sided with a vendor in disguise who tore his own business down, is threatening and harassing your members, and is now crying that people dont like him. You have got to be kidding me! Is this really how this website works?! PATHETIC!

    People are inherently stupid. Weddings make it painfully obvious -- KevinandMonica
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • edited December 2011
    Just saw this.  Awesome.

    Might be moving to FB soon.  I'm pretty annoyed.
    Miss Mrs. New & Improved Blog Chart
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    monica & kevin married 5.28.11
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