New York

Rehearsal dinner


I am getting married at Sacred Heart Church in Cicero. I am looking for a rehearsal dinner spot that is a least somewhat close for guests so transporting all of us from the church to dinner won't be such a challenge. Any and all ideas are much appreciated!! Wedding is in September.

Re: Rehearsal dinner

  • edited December 2011

    Hmm... Cicero....
    Buffalo Wild Wings
    Burger King
    I think there is a Denny's nearby.

    A little intro and a little insight as far as what type of venue/atmosphere you are going for will get you a long way around here.
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  • edited December 2011
    Oh Monica!

    Borios...thats where mine is. Sorry thats all I got. I dont know the area too well

    People are inherently stupid. Weddings make it painfully obvious -- KevinandMonica
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  • Happily9Happily9 member
    Knottie Warrior 500 Comments
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Wedding BoardsForum:621Discussion:f4bfc6d2-c759-40b5-b0a4-7993e18f9471Post:26c25173-e9f4-4c39-a7f5-3395f97d7673">Re: Rehearsal dinner</a>:
    [QUOTE]Hi., Hmm... Cicero.... Buffalo Wild Wings Burger King Moe's I think there is a Denny's nearby. A little intro and a little insight as far as what type of venue/atmosphere you are going for will get you a long way around here.
    Posted by kevinandmonica2011[/QUOTE]

    LOL...that is just wrong.... MINE is at Burger King....I had the idea first!!!  :)
  • edited December 2011
    It would be helpful to know what kind of atmosphere you're shooting for.  I have been to a few really good restaurants in that area though.  The Basil Leaf is very good and has a separate room in the back of the restaurant.  It's a nice retaurant, a little "stuffy" for what I would want for my rehearsal dinner (but an option since I'm not sure exactly what you're looking for).  Twin Trees is good too.  Good food and a little more laid back atmosphere.  I also LOVE The Copper Top.  Tons of beers to choose from and a huge menu!  Sorry I don't know exactly where that church is because I'm actually from the Utica area, so hopefully the restaurants are close enough!
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  • edited December 2011
    Ok OP, as PPs said above, if we have no idea what type of mood/atmosphere/food you are looking for, it is really tough to give any recs that are worth anything.  Some questions that will help us help you...

    How many guests for the RD? 
    Are you looking for just a restaurant, a restaurant with a private room, or a banquet facility?
    What kind of food?
    What kind of budget?
    Formal or casual?

    RDs can be wildy different and vary form a formal sit down meal to a backyard BBQ.... so..... help us to narrow it down for you.  For ex, I went to an RD last year that seemed even more formal than the wedding itself... very stuffy.  My RD is actually going to be just a huge BBQ open to all OOT guests so we rented a cottage and are doing the food ourselves.  Another friedn's RD 2 years ago was in her Aunt's backyard, catered by Dino BBQ.  It all depends on what you are looking for and what your budget is.

    The girls on this board are full of wonderful advice and recommendations, but it is really difficult to help someone we don't know.  It's best to introduce yourself first.  Tell us a little bit about yourself, your fiance and your wedding.  If you are looking for help with a rehearsal dinner, give us some insight as to what your interests are... then the ideas will eb a litlte more useful.
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