New York


I'm starting off today's flame thread because I'm so freaking frustrated. I'm sorry if I stole this honor without permission from someone who usually starts it off, please forgive me this one time.

I am flaming people (and one specific person today) who act all excited to make plans and then disappear off the face of the earth when it's time to make the plans happens. Lie to me. Tell me you can't make it. Tell me, the first time I ask about making plans, that you aren't actually sure but you'll get back to me if it's possible. Don't get excited to make plans with me less thna 24 hours after i ask, and then never get back to me after a WEEK and not even let me know the day off "oh BTW not gonna make it." I'm glad (and by glad I mean really irritated) I worked 5 extra hours last Friday so I could get off early today for our plans that now are obviously not happening, and it just happens to be the weekend that FI is going home to the city. So, instead of having my fun plans, I get to sit at home alone all weekend without a car to get anywhere and dread my orientation that starts on Monday.

Thanks ladies. I needed to that somewhere other than Facebook because i hate people who are passive-aggressive on Facebook and post statuses that are intentionally vague so as not to be obvious but are actually quite obviously directed at someone in particular. I've already called her on Wednesday and left a voicemail saying "Heyy, just wanted to know about this weekend, gotta let my boss know what time I need to leave on Friday, let me know, thanks!" so if I say anything else at this point it looks desperate and pathetic. Arggggg

Re: FF

  • edited December 2011
    I totally agree with the facebook status posts! I had someone post a passive aggressive post about me yesterday!
    I flame Ms.Passive Aggressive.  Sorry you thought I was staring blankly at you as you helped moved stuff after the end of the poster session.  Yes I am in my 4th year and knew exactly what you were doing.  And NO I could not help because unlike you I actually have work to do.  I was on the way to the bathroom not wondering the halls.  My stare was amazement that someone on the 6 year track (should be out by 4 at SU) still has time to volunteer at every single social event.

    I also flame my mother in law for being a b**** to my mother.  Get over yourself lady.  My mother just wants to help. 

    I also flame myself for missing the post about a G2G party until the day of.  I wish I could of made it.  I would of loved to meet everyone
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">FF</a>:
    [QUOTE]I'm starting off today's flame thread because I'm so freaking frustrated. I'm sorry if I stole this honor without permission from someone who usually starts it off, please forgive me this one time.
    Posted by lornarose07[/QUOTE]

    No worries, its not assigned to anyone in particular. If you need to flame or vent or want to start a game or whatever else. Be our guest! We're not that strict :)

    People are inherently stupid. Weddings make it painfully obvious -- KevinandMonica
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • mek20mek20 member
    Sixth Anniversary 100 Comments
    edited December 2011
    I am flaming our mortgage broker and his team of "specialists"...we were supposed to close on our house three weeks ago, and he just sent me an email saying its going to be AT LEAST another week...WTF..thank you for making me pay ANOTHER months rent while you take your sweet a$$ time!

    I also flame my MOH for being a biotch. But thats for another time.

    I know I don't post on here much, but when I saw this I had to vent. Thanks ladies!
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  • sbolger17sbolger17 member
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments
    edited December 2011
    I flame the jewelry store -- see post above for the details -- harder than I've ever flamed anyone/anything before.

    I also flame my FMIL for calling me 3 times last night to tell me that an invitation never reached FI's cousin.  Got it, I will tell my mother to send another one, no problem.  Stop calling me!  I was in a horribly bad mood because of the jewelry store and did not pick up any of her calls.  And did I mention that I'll be seeing her tonight?  3 calls is way unnecessary. 

  • rsfan23rsfan23 member
    Fourth Anniversary 100 Comments Name Dropper
    edited December 2011
    I flame the USPS..seriously, how do you not get an invitation to my mom in New Hampshire? It's not as if it's Hawaii!

    I flame my MOH for still not keeping me out of the planning for my b-party. (I avoided answering her though, hopefully she gets it)

    I flame the stupid looks I get from people still when I tell them I work an hour away...I know it's far...the economy's bad. I'd rather have money than not be working.
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