
Community Bake Shop Fire

I'm hoping that no one is affected by this but if so, here is a number to call 677-4620Link to story:[url][/url]
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Re: Community Bake Shop Fire

  • edited December 2011
    As far as I know, they don't take deposits so hopefully no one is out any money, but that really stinks. Their cakes were delicious! Very sad.
  • edited December 2011
    awww thats aweful! My good friend decorates cakes there! I'm suposed to get my cake from there next year through my venue, but I have lots of time to figure that out at least. Good thing nobody got hurt.
  • edited December 2011
    Oh no I too was supposed to get my cake from here through my venue. It was included in the price. Like pp, my wedding isn't until next year so I have time as well.
  • edited December 2011
    So i just saw this now! This is where I am getting my cake and invitations.
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