
Happy New Year!

Hope everyone had a fantastic NYE!
Did anyone do anything fun?? Have pics to share??
We ended up staying in so nothing much to report for us.

Best wishes for a happy and healthy 2010!
"If wine is getting in the way of your work, get rid of the work."
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Re: Happy New Year!

  • deborah2121deborah2121 member
    Ninth Anniversary 100 Comments
    edited December 2011
    Happy New Year to you, too!  We also stayed in so no fun pics to post or anything.  We rang in the New Year with the flu!  Oh, well.  We did get to enjoy the fireworks over the Boston Harbor from the street outside our apartment, and that was nice.  2010--the year of our wedding!  Yippeeee!  :)

  • edited December 2011
    Happy New Year everyone!
  • brjm2007brjm2007 member
    edited December 2011
    It was my first official night at my new job. And I ended up being 'late' because the gate didn't let me in. I was actually early, but when I actually got into the building, I was 'late' according to the clock. Had to do tons of running around the plant to figure out why my badge didn't work and get someone to activate it so it *would* work. On the way of doing this running around, my car fishtailed into a concrete block (think those big barriers on interstates, only bigger and 'blockier'). Fiance thinks it just knocked out tire pressure and we're hoping that airing it back up will fix it (it wobbles REAL bad now). So on my way to work tonight, that is on my list.

    Luckily, we have DVR and I had fiance record the NYE thing and we watched it lastnight, but it just wasn't the same.

    Thankfully, however, this should be a great year for us (even if 09 went out bad and 10 started off rocky). =]

    Hope everyone else had a better NYE than I did. =]
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