Summary: This shook my faith in Hilton hospitality.
I have a lot of experience at Hilton Hotels as traveling consultant, have stayed in many of their hotels in many countries. Loved them all. Then this experience shook my faith in Hilton hospitality. I was looking at the site as a potential wedding base: big block of rooms, bridal suite, and brunch for 120 guests - aka BIG money, and was treated poorly by the Director of Catering (no confirmation of visit, 30+ minute wait, constant checking of her blackberry during appointment, no follow-up on questions asked). I DO NOT RECOMMEND this spot for anyone planning a large event.
Whole Story (likely only to interest brides and other event planners):
We had tried to make an appointment to view the suite and brunch venues and were directed by Sales Manager to make an appointment with the Director of Catering, Manager on Duty, let's call her M.
M did not respond to our requests for an appointment via
email the few days prior to our planned visit to Baltimore and as we
were in the area visiting other wedding vendors, we dropped in at the
Hilton anyways and spoke to concierge. They informed us that M had been notified we were there and would be down shortly. We waited
over 30 minutes - during which time the concierge disappeared and we
had no updates. When a different person came to the un-manned
concierge desk, we explained our situation and he called M who
was down in 5 minutes.
M claimed not to have been notified of our arrival and did not
recall being asked to have an appointment prior to our visit. Nor did
she stop checking her Blackberry the entire 15 minutes we spent with
her. She did not provide us with any pricing or catering details (we
asked to see sample brunch options) nor did she offer to follow up
with us on our questions. It has been 4 days since our visit and I
don't think we will hear from her. Needless to say, this is not the
sort of treatment I would expect from someone in hospitality,
particularly when the customer is a HHonors Gold member looking to
spend a few thousand dollars.