California-Orange County

Wedding Coordinator at your service!

 Hello beautiful brides!
My name is Angela Armbruster and I LOVE all things wedding. I had just over a year to plan my own wedding and from then on have loved every part of weddings. (I even love to look at wedding pictures of people that I don't know. Creepy? No!) My dream job is to be a wedding planner so this seemed like a good place to start - I am offering my services as your exclusive wedding planner for a flat fee of $150. I'll be honest, I do not have my own wedding planning business yet, but the wedding coordinator I used was just starting out as well and she did a good job with my wedding so that motivated me to try to follow my dream. My creativity is endless, and I know that mixed with your ideas, it will blossom into your perfect day. I am passionate about getting you what you want at the best price. My services include unlimited emails, research, help with venue choice etc., and of course day-of coordinating. It is my dream to help you have your dream wedding! 
Email me anytime and we can talk more. I am located in Irvine.
When I do have my own business, I'll call it "Joy Full Events" - my middle name is Joy. ;) And it makes sense, right? Your wedding should be such a joyful day!

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