
Malibu/Black chair sashes for sale and more

Hi there :) I got married on 7-22-11 and I am finally going through everything I do not need anymore.  I would like to get rid of everything together.  Please email me at and make an offer of what you are willing to pay for everything.  I have more pictures, please email me if you would like more.  

70 Malibu Chair Sashes
60 Black Chair Sashes
16 Malibu Table Runners
8 Malibu Overlays

Click on the below link to view the cost if you were to buy this online before shipping and tax.... It cost $233.00.  Also, if you need more than what I have you can go to and order more.  This added so much to my wedding.  I debated spending money on sashes, chair covers because like everyone says they are just chairs.  I ended up finding a great deal on chair covers so I added all of the malibu and I loved the room.  Adds a lot.  Please let me know if you are interested.  email Thank you : )

Re: Malibu/Black chair sashes for sale and more

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