
Wedding Venues

Please help!

What are some good wedding venues in Colorado that don't cost an arm and a leg???


Re: Wedding Venues

  • mizjodimizjodi member
    edited December 2011
    First of all, welcome!

    Second, what's your budget, and what geographic area are you looking at? What time of year, what time of day, what type of venue? What's your definition of "arm and leg"? Are you wanting all-inclusive, a site for BOTH ceremony and reception, what size are you thinking your guest list will be, WHEN are you getting married?

    You've got a pretty wide-open question there!
    BabyFruit Ticker boots badgeDaisypath Anniversary tickers Photobucket
  • mizjodimizjodi member
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Wedding BoardsForum:632Discussion:1fc23cec-1ffc-49ae-9377-79bbae428debPost:cd32de4b-2d63-4e91-94e6-50ba9665b4cb">Re: Wedding Venues</a>:
    [QUOTE]Crystal Rose franchice is great!  They do an all-inclusive thing except for cake and flowers.  They are a family owned business and do a great job:) They have been a lot of fun to work with also. 
    Posted by Thaut[/QUOTE]

    I must say, we checked into them, and have been to a wedding at Lookout Mtn, and I must say, personally, we weren't really impressed! the sound is awful, depending on where you're sitting :)
    BabyFruit Ticker boots badgeDaisypath Anniversary tickers Photobucket
  • edited December 2011
    We looked at the Crystal Rose Lookout Mountain, but we ended up booking @ The Golden Hotel in Golden! It is beautiful, the ceremony will be right by the river. I would look into it and see what you think!
  • edited December 2011
    Thank you for the ideas! I will look into them. It is nice to have a starting place!

  • haylee90508haylee90508 member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Have you looked at The Arvada Center? They have great options.....check them out.
  • kdhmannkdhmann member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Try looking at They're pretty comprehensive, and I think they give you an indication of price range for tons of different venues. I'm in the very early planning stages myself, and I thought they had a lot of good info.
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