Hey knotties, I could really use some advice on finding a Colorado venue! We were really hoping to have everyone stay on site, in a place where we can have group meals and hang out for the weekend without breaking the bank. We are looking at about 80 people, including lots from out of state and Canada too, so it would be fun to share someplace outdoorsy and Colorado-esque with everyone. C-Lazy-U, Sylvan Dale, and Devil's Thumb all look gorgeous but I don't think we can afford to pay for that many catered meals, and we're kind of DIY'ers anyway. Stone Mountain Lodge looks, well, kinda shabby. And Snow Mountain Ranch YMCA quiet hours start at 10pm... probably not gonna work for those wild Canadians. Are there any summer camps or retreat centers with decent cabins & double beds within driving distance of Denver airport? Am I dreaming about something that totally doesn't exist??? Thanks!!!