We just got married and have our decorations for sale. If interested e-mail meggin dot rutherford at gmail. We have the following items (pictures below):
1. Eight, 18-inch tall vases--retail $28/ea. You can get more at Hobby Lobby. For sale for $10/ea, or $70 for all of them. Each vase currently filled with 3lbs of river rocks (listed below). Will either include rocks or remove them--your choice. If you would like to leave them in I will do $11/ea or $80 for all.
2. LOTS of river rocks. I think there are about 20, three-pound bags. They have been removed from the bags and used. They are the multi-colored ones (so brown and black--natural looking) in bags at Hobby Lobby. They retail for $3 for a 3-lb bag. Most are still in the vases. For ease, I'm selling them in gallon bags. $5 for each gallon bag (each one holds about 9 lbs--or 3 bags worth). Will give precedence to anyone who wants to buy the vases and rocks together.
3. 25 yards of 3-foot wide ivory colored tulle. Retails $1.99/yd, total was $50. Most (about 20 yards worth) was used to wrap around poles. The rest is unused. Will sell the unused portion for $8 (for about 5 yards worth), and the used portion for $10, or $15 for all.
4. 10 crinkle taffeta table runners in burgundy / dark red. 108 in long by 12in wide: Retail for $3/ea plus shipping. Will sell for $15 for all or $1.75/ea.
Photo explanations: The table number holders are not included (they were from the venue), and the branches are not included (they were just cut off of a tree).
The outside picture is to show how we used the tulle.
Anyone can be passionate, but it takes real lovers to be silly.