
Guest Book - Ceremony or Reception?

Hi all,
I'm wanting to get some opinions on this. My wedding is in less than a month and I'm trying to decide if I should put the guest book at the ceremony or reception site. I've always thought it should be at the ceremony site, but I'm wondering if it would be easier to put it at the reception site. Guests would be able to take their time signing, and it would give them something to do while waiting for us to arrive.

Thoughts? Thank you!
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Re: Guest Book - Ceremony or Reception?

  • Jade0085Jade0085 member
    edited December 2011

    I was wondering when you put it out, too. I think traditionally it's at the ceremony, but I like the idea of having it at the reception while guests are waiting for you to arrive.
    Good Luck!

  • steffenfamsteffenfam member
    edited December 2011
    How about both places?  Have Mom or someone take it from the ceremony site and bring it to the reception.
  • mizjodimizjodi member
    edited December 2011
    Usually it's at BOTH places :)
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