
Need Facial Reccomendations!

Hi!  I'm trying to find a good place in Northern Colorado to start doing facials/cleansings/etc to get ready for the big day - but have no reccommendations!  HELP!  Anyone have a good place they know of or a good one they use?  I've got 120 days and need some face fixing!  :-)


Re: Need Facial Reccomendations!

  • edited December 2011
    Hmmm are you in the Steamboat Splrings area? If you are hit Waterside Day Spa or Aesthetica Medical Spa they do super facials, not sure what exacly your looking for.  Also if your looking for a fantastic massage look up Strawberry Park Hotsprings they do a Watsu and it's really great. Hope it helps.
  • catarntinacatarntina member
    1000 Comments Fourth Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Which part of Northern CO?  I got a facial done at Buzz and Bliss Salon in Ft. Collins.  I thought it was very nice.  I also got one done at Elements Spa in Ft. Collins.  Not as nice as Buzz and Bliss.

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