California-San Diego

Need Knottie Feedback

Hey Knotties,I’m working on a presentation for hot wedding trends and mine will come straight from Community. If you didn’t know this, I am constantly going through the boards and send out a companywide biweekly trend report that is based on your posts. This will be a round-up of that. Some of you that know that I do this go out of you way to email me new things that they see on the boards or at weddings (THANK YOU!) and I have heard some pretty incredible stuff. So I’m here to ask you what you are seeing out there on your board or in your circles that is a hot trend (way beyond photo booths). Recently I’ve been informed that mini-massages at the reception and live artists painting the scene are a major splurge for brides. I also have seen Ferris wheel rentals. Little things in the world of DIY are great too (doesn’t need to cost a fortune). If anything comes to mind, I’d love to hear from you and greatly appreciate your input at Thanks in advance, KA
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