July 2012 Weddings

What's with all the spiders!?

Holy effing cow! I came home from working at the farm this weekend to a houseful of spiders! I started doing some crafts earlier and felt some tickling on my leg. I thought it was a cat but noooooooo! It was a HUGE ass spider! I was just printing out place cards and felt something soft yet tickly fall on my face. Come to find out after swatting it that it's a freaking SPIDER! Holy cow I'm like swatting at myself every few seconds now.

OMG I just had the craziest scariest noise ever. It sounded like a truck running over a metal bridge on my back porch...... ummm... wtf! I'm freaking myself out lol

Re: What's with all the spiders!?

  • I would of lost it with the first spider. Ick Ick Ick! 

    If it helps, I had a scary one in the shower with me. I guess it's spider season? 
  • Ugh my house (mainly garage) is full of spiders 24/7.  We have those nasty daddy long legs and they are just gross.  I got some ant traps in the house and the spider and ants have disappeared but some spiders still sneak in through the garage door to the house.

  • My FI spent all day yesterday vacuming the spiders in our basement. He spends a lot of time down there and I think they were really getting to him. It was pretty gross though.

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  • We have a lot of bugs coming out too haha. We've been struggling with springtails, they're all over our bathroom! Finally got a humidfier and it works! I guess it's the moisture in the air that they're attracted to??

    No spiders yet though!
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