
Places that charge for a photo shoot?

Do you ladies know of places that charge to use their space for a photo shoot?  That way I can begin to cross off my list faster.  It would be so helpful.

Here's who I'm most interested in:

Cincinnati Art Museum
Cincinnati Museum Center
Krohn Conservatory
Vinoklet Winery
Glendale Lyceum
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Re: Places that charge for a photo shoot?

  • dufourjsdufourjs member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    I know Krohn charges, not sure about the others!
  • edited December 2011
    We called the Art Museum and they were pretty rude about it.  Said they had an event that night and it wouldn't be fair if the event paid to reserve the space and we didn't, despite asking to come hours in advance.  Since it's free adminission, I was surprised by their response.

    The Museum Center only charges admission if you want to get pics in the exhibits (like  on a trolley car) but the rotunda is free and you don't have to call in advance.

    I'm curious about the other two on your list!  We're trying to find an indoor backup in case of rain and struggling at the moment.
  • edited December 2011
    I'm fairly certain that the Glendale Lyceum doesn't charge. However, I am getting married there in September and I can tell you I doubt they will allow you to take pictures there if there is a wedding scheduled for that day. If you are looking for your wedding date (7/30/2011), they already have an event scheduled for that day (you can check their rental calendar on their website). You could call them and ask though! Cindy is who you would need to talk to, and she is super nice.
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  • newsgrl39newsgrl39 member
    edited December 2011
    Krohn charges $150. My friend did hers there and she wasnt impressed with her pictures there either. she said it was a waste of money :/
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  • clearheavensclearheavens member
    Knottie Warrior 1000 Comments Name Dropper 5 Love Its
    edited December 2011
    Here's what I found out for the "yes, allowed" list.  Pretty much every one of them asks that you set up an appointment in advance.
    Cincinnati Art Museum:charges $250 and must be chaperoned by a curator or security
    The Marriot Kingsgate in Clifton:charges $75
    Krohn Conservatory:$25/15 mins and must not be during an event or show, which there's the Butterfly Show going on from now until 6/26
    Vinoklet Winery:free but must not be during an event
    Contemporary Arts Center:free but only in lobby and downstairs area
    Millenium Hotel:free

    Here were the "no, not allowed" list:
    The Madison South:no, only brides who are booked
    The Hilton Netherlands Hotel:no, only brides who are booked
    The Cincinnati Club:no, only brides who are booked
    I'll be making more phone calls and updating this list.
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  • clearheavensclearheavens member
    Knottie Warrior 1000 Comments Name Dropper 5 Love Its
    edited December 2011
    Glendale Lyceum:free but must not be during an event
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  • cincy32011cincy32011 member
    edited December 2011
    Have you tried Dixie Terminal downtown?  It's absolutely beautiful inside.  I think you're technically supposed to get a permit (not sure if there's a cost associated with it), but the security guards let us in with a little coaxing/begging. 

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