I just want to warn everyone about Fairy Godmother Bridal and tell you of an experience I had. My friend got her gown there and it was gorgeous and from what I understood was an amazing price. Now that I'm engaged, I knew I wanted to look there. I called yesterday to make and appointment and the woman who answered the phone seemed nice enough. She asked for my name, number, and then my wedding date. I honestly told her August, 2011. She paused for a moment and said in what I considered to be a rude tone, "Well, are you serious about buying?" I was taken so off guard I couldn't answer right away. Then she said, "Because we get a lot of lookie-loos in here." I was shocked. I answered that yes, I was serious about buying a gown but that I was interested at looking at several stores. The woman proceeded to tell me that if she was MY mother she wouldn't let me buy a gown a year before my wedding but if that's what I wanted to do then I should go to her store last, when I was most serious. Finally, I told her I was no longer interested in coming in and she said, "Well, you can come in, I mean, this is our off season so it's not like we're busy if you DO want to just look around." I got off the phone and was furious. She acted as if unless I was absolutely going to buy from them, I was wasting their time. With customer service like that, it doesn't matter if I got the dress for dirt cheap. I would rather pay a few hundred dollars more at a place that treated it's customers with respect.