
Do LDS meeting houses have email addresses?

ginadogginadog member
1000 Comments 5 Love Its
I'm trying to get a hold of someone at a meeting house to see if I can rent their chairs, but no one is answering when I call.  Does LDS.org keep additional contact info in a directory?  I'm not a memeber so I cannot access their directories online.

Just trying to find other ways to contact this place!   It's not nearby so not like I can go visit it in person.

It's in Almo, ID if anyone can look it up!

Re: Do LDS meeting houses have email addresses?

  • edited December 2011
    If you're trying to call the ward house directly, there will typically only be someone there from about 7p-9p Tues - Thurs, and then maybe about 8a to 6p on Sunday (with the exception of when church meetings are in session, which is 10a-1p according to the church website).

    Not the easiest way to get ahold of someone, I know, but maybe you'll have better luck knowing the hours when people are there.
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  • shannonloyshannonloy member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Usually they have one person in the ward that's in charge of the building schedule/maintenace and rentals. They would probably be the best person to talk to. Also you might not even have to ask to use them. Sometimes they just leave them stacked in the corner or under the stage thing..
  • casserole27casserole27 member
    edited December 2011

    They have contact information but you have to be registered on their website.  The best way is to talk to someone in the ward or stake and they will be able to contact the building coordinator for you.

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