Honeymoon Discussions

Disney World vs. New York City

So my FI and I are planning our honeymoon for Dec. 20 - Dec. 24 2009. We are currently having trouble deciding between New York City and Disneyworld. Here are our pros and cons for each:Disney:Pro - warm weather (we're Canadian... so our future    selves will love the warmth). Grand Floridian looks amazing... Fun and definately memorable - for some this vacation would not be appropriate, but FI and I are both kids at heart.Con - $$$ expensive, might get annoyed by kids.. we've heard it could go either way. New YorkPro- Beautiful at Christmas time. A lot to do (ice skating, FAO Swartz, Broadway etc). Great food. Possibly less expensive than Disney (we've not done the cost comparison yet) Closer for us from a travel standpoint.Con - Cold. no offense to the New Yorkers out there, but we've heard that the people there aren't so friendly :) (FI is more worried about this than I am).Any thoughts ladies? I'd love some tips from people who live in New York as to what kind of things would make for a great honeymoon. My FI is worried about losing the romance if we go to New York as opposed to Disney. I'm pretty much right on the fence.Cheers!

Re: Disney World vs. New York City

  • tough call -- dramatically different styles of honeymoon! If it were me, I'd go for the option with the least planning and least room for things to go wrong. In this case, Disney. If I had friends in New York who could help me plan and book and figure everything out, it might be different. And I think New York would end up much more expensive in the end!
  • Ohh, that's a tough one!  You can't go wrong with either!  I've been to NYC at Christmastime and it is BEAUTIFUL!  We also honeymooned in WDW this year and had a fabulous time (and were not annoyed by kids)!I don't really think that NYC would be less expensive for you.  Disney has some really great promotions going on, and NYC can be very, very expensive, especially if you plan on doing alot of shows and stuff.If it were me, I would pick Disney!
  • Both will be crowded at Christmastime. Contrary to what you've heard, New Yorkers are quite friendly and many will go out of their way to help you. Please don't not go there because of that. There are plenty of things to do in NY - ice skating, shopping, broadway shows, fabulous restaurants.
  • I have never been to NYC so I can't pick one or the other but I love Disney! The Christmas parade is beautiful! My fiance and I go every other year (we are about 2 hours away). I would HIGHLY recommend it!
  • no offense to the New Yorkers out there, but we've heard that the people there aren't so friendly You couldn't be more wrong! NYr's are among the friendliest people you'll meet! Even if they were annoying, you couldnt compare that to the screaming whining kids at disney and their obnoxiuos paerents, imo! i hate disney!
    Spring Break 2013
  • Normally I would say Disney. We went for our honeymoon and loved it. We are disney freaks and go every year. But Christmas at Disney is crazy busy. Its so crowded. And 4-5 days at the most crowded time of the year doesn't sound like a fun honeymoon even at Disney.
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  • We're doing Disney! I don't think you'll save money by doing NYC. You can save money in Disney by choosing a less expensive hotel or opting for a package that include the meal plane (which saves you 20-30% from buying food on your own). And yes that week is crowded that week, but it's not overwhelming. If you stay in a Disney hotel you can get into some parks an hour early/stay an hour late; and you can always use Fast Pass to jump ride lines.
  • you absolutely left out $$$$$ expensive for NYC during christmas time. i live right outside of nyc and spend a ton of time there (always have). i also love disney. without checking i would assume that nyc would be more than disney. we're absolutely super friendly! i actually found toronto to be great (and very similar to a small-very small-version of NYC when DH and I visited in May). nice neighborhoods, people who help you when you ask, good subway etc...i do think (and no offense meant here) that your FI is being a jerk because of 'what he heard'. come over and see-you'll love it here.  also-you do know that you can drive here right? dh and i drove to tonronto then stopped at niagara falls, cooperstown and albany (my dad's) on the way back and the trip was great!!!  you don't need to spend the whole week here. the food here is exponentially better than disney.although-disney is fun. i probably wouldn't go near it christmas week though. WAY too many kids.


  • I live in Orlando (a former NYer by the way) and have a suggestion. Why not go to Orlando but stay somewhere other than on Disney property. There is a Ritz-Carlton as well as a new Waldorf-Astoria that opened here and they are both VERY Romantic and honeymoon-worthy. (Not a kid in sight!) They aren't very far from the theme parks so you can still do that a few days if you are interested.
  • I live in NYC and I just want to prep you that NYC is insanely expensive. I cannot imagine that you could save any money coming here as opposed to Disney. I can't give any advice about Disney because I've never been (gasp!!), but if you do decide to go to NYC, page me on the Boston board and I will give you some money saving tips, insider info etc.
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